Marshalls text.
This method can be called (i) after the startAttribute method and (ii) before the endAttribute method, to marshal attribute values. If the method is called more than once, those texts are considered as separated by whitespaces. For example,
c.startAttribute(); c.text("abc"); c.text("def"); c.endAttribute("","foo");
will generate foo="abc def".
Similarly, this method can be called after the endAttributes method to marshal texts inside elements. The same rule about multiple invokations apply to this case, too. For example,
c.startElement("","foo"); c.endNamespaceDecls(); c.endAttributes(); c.text("abc"); c.text("def"); c.startElement("","bar"); c.endAttributes(); c.endElement(); c.text("ghi"); c.endElement();
will generate
<foo>abc def<bar/>ghi</foo>