String message = NEW_LINE;
message = message + " Database Id passed to ConnectionSource: " + aDbName + NEW_LINE;
message = message + " Database name: " + dbName + NEW_LINE;
message = message + " Database driver name: " + dbDriverName + NEW_LINE;
message = message + " Database URL: " + db.getURL() + NEW_LINE;
boolean supportsScrollable = db.supportsResultSetConcurrency(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);
message = message + " Supports scrollable ResultSets (TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, CONCUR_READ_ONLY): " + supportsScrollable;
if ( ! supportsScrollable ){
fLogger.severe("Database/driver " + aDbName + " does not support scrollable ResultSets. Parsing of ResultSets by ModelFromRow into 'Parent+List<Children>' kinds of objects will not work, since it depends on scrollable ResultSets. Parsing into 'ordinary' Model Objects will still work, however, since they do not depend on scrollable ResultSets.)");