This method waits for a reply from the server before returning. Always contacts the server, even if there is an active subscription to this market data. @param user the user credentials, checked to ennsure user is authorized to access the data, not null @param requestedSpecification what market data you want to subscribe to, and in which standardized format you want the server to give it to you @param timeout the timeout in milliseconds. If the timeout is non-positive, this method will not wait at all, so null will be returned. @return the snapshot @throws OpenGammaRuntimeException if timeout was reached without reply from server
Snapshots are considered unique based on the name of the snapshot. Attempts to take a snapshot with the same name (even a different type or with different parameters) will fail with a {@link SnapshotCreationException} indicating the duplicate naming.
Snapshot names follow the same naming constraints as tables in HBase. See {@link HTableDescriptor#isLegalTableName(byte[])}. @param snapshotName name of the snapshot to be created @param tableName name of the table for which snapshot is created @throws IOException if a remote or network exception occurs @throws SnapshotCreationException if snapshot creation failed @throws IllegalArgumentException if the snapshot request is formatted incorrectly