Examples of search()

Examples of gov.nysenate.openleg.lucene.Lucene.search()

        else {
            searchtext = "";

        Lucene lucene = Application.getLucene();
        SenateResponse luceneResults = lucene.search(query, 0, 1000, "published", true);
        ArrayList<Transcript> transcripts = new ArrayList<Transcript>();
        for (Result result : luceneResults.getResults()) {

Examples of hidb2.kern.DataStore.search()

            public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws InvocationTargetException, InterruptedException
              int rc = C_OK;
              DataStore das = Application.getDataStore();

              List<FolderSearchResult> lstSR = das.search(_query);
              if (rc == C_OK)
                // Display search results
                for (FolderSearchResult fsr : lstSR)

Examples of in.partake.service.IEventSearchService.search()

    protected List<Event> doExecute(PartakeConnection con, IPartakeDAOs daos) throws DAOException, PartakeException {
        IEventSearchService searchService = PartakeApp.getEventSearchService();

        List<String> eventIds = searchService.search(query, category, sortOrder, beforeDeadlineOnly, offset, maxNum);
        List<Event> events = new ArrayList<Event>();

        for (String eventId : eventIds) {
            Event event = daos.getEventAccess().find(con, eventId);
            if (event != null && event.isSearchable())

Examples of it.hotel.model.abstrakt.manager.IhDAO.search()

  @Transactional(readOnly = true, propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED)
  public List<Typology> getTypolgyByBeds(int numberOfBeds) {
    IhDAO dao = super.getDAO();
    List<Typology> typologies = (List<Typology>) dao.search("beds", new Integer(numberOfBeds));
    return typologies;

   * Return the list of typologies that have the given number of beds for a hotel

Examples of java.util.Stack.search()

     * @param clazz the class to look for, or if assignable from.
     * @return  the component if found, <tt>null</tt> if not.
    protected Component findAncestor(Class clazz) {
        Stack componentStack = getComponentStack();
        int currPosition = componentStack.search(this);
        if (currPosition >= 0) {
            int start = componentStack.size() - currPosition - 1;

            //for (int i = componentStack.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
            for (int i = start; i >=0; i--) {

Examples of javaff.search.BestFirstSearch.search()

    // ... change to using the 'all actions' neighbourhood (a null filter, as it removes nothing)
    // and use that
    goalState = BFS.search();
  return goalState; // return the plan

Examples of javaff.search.EnforcedHillClimbingSearch.search()

  EnforcedHillClimbingSearch EHCS = new EnforcedHillClimbingSearch(initialState);
  EHCS.setFilter(HelpfulFilter.getInstance()); // and use the helpful actions neighbourhood
  // Try and find a plan using EHC
  State goalState = EHCS.search();

  if (goalState == null) // if we can't find one
    infoOutput.println("EHC failed, using best-first search, with all actions");

Examples of javango.contrib.jquery.annotations.Lookup.search()

    if (annotation instanceof Lookup) {
      Lookup lookup = (Lookup)annotation;
      model = lookup.model();
      display = lookup.display();
      search = lookup.search();     
      results = lookup.results();

  public Class<?> getModel() {

Examples of javax.mail.Folder.search()

            folder = receiver.openFolder("INBOX", receiver.READ_WRITE);

            // processed bounced emails selected??
            if (this.isHandleBouncedMessagesOnly())
                messages = folder.search(getBounceSerachTerm());
                messages = folder.getMessages();

            getLogger().debug5("total found messages: " + messages.length);

Examples of javax.naming.directory.DirContext.search()

      String requestType = request.getType();
        if (requestType.equals(SEARCH_STRING))
          results = context.search(request.getContext(),
              (String) request.getRequest(), controls);
          addResultSearch(results, retDocument, SEARCH_STRING,
              request.getContext(), request.toString());
        else if (requestType.equals(SEARCH_ATTRIBUTES))
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