Scope implementations are strongly encouraged to override {@link Object#toString} in the returned provider and include the backingprovider's {@code toString()} output. @param key binding key @param unscoped locates an instance when one doesn't already exist in thisscope. @return a new provider which only delegates to the given unscoped providerwhen an instance of the requested object doesn't already exist in this scope
Example: For a {@linkplain #toFullyQualifiedName fully qualified name} (a name having a{@linkplain NameSpace#isGlobal global namespace}) {@code "org.opengis.util.Record"}, if this instance is the name {@code "util.Record"}, then the scope of this instance has the {@linkplain NameSpace#name name} {@code "org.opengis"}. @return The scope of this name. @since GeoAPI 2.1
Open cursor which restricts table to some scope of index values.
Scope is specified as pair of index keys. First key means start of scope and last key means end of scope. One of these keys (or even both) could be NULL. In this case scope is open from one side (or both sides). If first key is less of last key then cursor will be in reversed order. If indexName is NULL then primary key will be used.
Cursors can be opened only within active transaction. When transaction ends all cursors will be closed.
@param indexName Name of the searched index. If null then primary key will be used. @param firstKey first key of scope. Could be NULL. @param lastKey first key of scope. Could be NULL. @return cursor which have defined scope of rows. @throws SqlJetException