Examples of sayHelloAsync()

Examples of org.jboss.as.test.manualmode.ejb.ssl.beans.StatefulBeanRemote.sayHelloAsync()

        try {
            log.info("**** looking up StatefulBean through JNDI");
            StatefulBeanRemote bean = (StatefulBeanRemote)
                    ctx.lookup("ejb:/" + MODULE_NAME_STATEFUL + "/" + StatefulBean.class.getSimpleName() + "!" + StatefulBeanRemote.class.getCanonicalName()+"?stateful");
            log.info("**** About to perform asynchronous call on stateful bean");
            Future<String> futureResponse = bean.sayHelloAsync();
            String response = futureResponse.get();
            log.info("**** The answer is: " + response);
            Assert.assertEquals("Remote asynchronous invocation of EJB was not successful", StatefulBeanRemote.ANSWER, response);
        } finally {
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Examples of org.jboss.as.test.manualmode.ejb.ssl.beans.StatelessBeanRemote.sayHelloAsync()

        try {
            log.info("**** looking up StatelessBean through JNDI");
            StatelessBeanRemote bean = (StatelessBeanRemote)
                    ctx.lookup("ejb:/" + MODULE_NAME_STATELESS + "/" + StatelessBean.class.getSimpleName() + "!" + StatelessBeanRemote.class.getCanonicalName());
            log.info("**** About to perform asynchronous call on stateless bean");
            Future<String> futureResponse = bean.sayHelloAsync();
            String response = futureResponse.get();
            log.info("**** The answer is: " + response);
            Assert.assertEquals("Remote asynchronous invocation of EJB was not successful", StatelessBeanRemote.ANSWER, response);
        } finally {
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