Submit a job with attributes defined in the job template,
jt. The returned job identifier is a String identical to that returned from the underlying DRM system.
@param jt the job template to be used to create the job
@throws DrmaaException May be one of the following:
- TryLaterException -- the DRM was temporarily unable to fulfill the request, but a retry might succeed
- DeniedByDrmException -- the DRM has rejected the job due to configuration problems either in the DRM or the job template
- InvalidJobTemplateException -- the JobTemplate instance does not belong to the current session, was not created with createJobTemplate(), or has already been deleted
- NoActiveSessionException -- the session has not yet been initialized or has already been exited
- DrmCommunicationException -- the DRMAA implementation was unable to contact the DRM
- AuthorizationException -- the executing user does not have sufficient permissions to execute the desired action
- IllegalArgumentException -- an argument is invalid
- InternalException -- an error has occured in the DRMAA implementation
@return job identifier String identical to that returned from theunderlying DRM system