Examples of runAsync()

Examples of org.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher.runAsync()

        sendMailContext.put("subject", "Workflow Notification");
        sendMailContext.put("templateName", templateName);
        sendMailContext.put("templateData", templateData);

        try {
            dispatcher.runAsync("sendGenericNotificationEmail", sendMailContext);
        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
            return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource_error,
                    "OrderSendMailServiceFailed", locale) + e.getMessage());
        return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
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Examples of org.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher.runAsync()

                            Map<String, Object> serviceCtx = UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap("userLogin", userLogin, "orderItem", orderItem);
                            try {
                                Debug.logInfo("Running external fulfillment '" + fulfillmentService + "'", module);
                                if ("FULFILLMENT_EXTASYNC".equals(fulfillmentType)) {
                                    dispatcher.runAsync(fulfillmentService, serviceCtx, true);
                                } else if ("FULFILLMENT_EXTSYNC".equals(fulfillmentType)) {
                                    Map<String, Object> resp = dispatcher.runSync(fulfillmentService, serviceCtx);
                                    if (ServiceUtil.isError(resp)) {
                                        return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource,
                                                "OrderOrderExternalFulfillmentError", locale), null, null, resp);
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Examples of org.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher.runAsync()

            String fromAddress = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("EventReminders", "eventReminders.emailFromAddress");
            String toAddress = contactMech.getString("infoString");
            String subject = UtilProperties.getMessage("WorkEffortUiLabels", "WorkEffortEventReminder", (Locale) parameters.get("locale"));
            Map<String, Object> emailCtx = UtilMisc.toMap("sendFrom", fromAddress, "sendTo", toAddress, "subject", subject, "bodyParameters", parameters, "bodyScreenUri", screenLocation);
            try {
                dispatcher.runAsync("sendMailFromScreen", emailCtx);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.logWarning("Error while emailing event reminder - workEffortId = " + reminder.get("workEffortId") + ", contactMechId = " + reminder.get("contactMechId") + ": " + e, module);
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Examples of org.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher.runAsync()

                sendConfirmBodCtx.put("userLogin", userLogin);
                // NOTE: this is different for each service, should be shipmentId or returnId or PO orderId or etc
                sendConfirmBodCtx.put("origRefId", shipmentId);

                // run async because this will send a message back to the other server and may take some time, and/or fail
                dispatcher.runAsync("oagisSendConfirmBod", sendConfirmBodCtx, null, true, 60, true);
            } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
                String errMsg = "Error sending Confirm BOD: " + e.toString();
                Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
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Examples of org.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher.runAsync()

            return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();

        try {
            for (String orderId : noLongerOnBackOrderIdSet) {
                dispatcher.runAsync("oagisSendProcessShipment", UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId), true);
        } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
            String errMsg = "Error calling oagisSendProcessShipment service for orders with items no longer on backorder: " + e.toString();
            return ServiceUtil.returnError(errMsg);
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Examples of org.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher.runAsync()

        // if we can't confirm a single shipment, then all shipment route segments in a multi-form are rolled back.
        try {
            Map<String, String> input = UtilMisc.toMap("shipmentId", shipmentId, "shipmentRouteSegmentId", shipmentRouteSegmentId, "userLogin", userLogin);
            // for DHL, we just need to confirm the shipment to get the label.  Other carriers may have more elaborate requirements.
            if (carrierPartyId.equals("DHL")) {
                dispatcher.runAsync("dhlShipmentConfirm", input);
            } else {
                Debug.logError(carrierPartyId + " is not supported at this time.  Sorry.", module);
        } catch (GenericServiceException se) {
            Debug.logError(se, se.getMessage(), module);
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Examples of org.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher.runAsync()


        // send off a notification for each order
        for (String orderId: ordersToNotify) {
            try {
                dispatcher.runAsync("sendOrderBackorderNotification", UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap("orderId", orderId, "userLogin", userLogin));
            } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
                Debug.logError(e, "Problems sending off the notification", module);
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Examples of org.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher.runAsync()

                    sendMap.put("bodyParameters", bodyParameters);
                    sendMap.put("userLogin", userLogin);

                    // send the notification
                    // run async so it will happen in the background AND so errors in sending won't mess this up
                    dispatcher.runAsync("sendMailFromScreen", sendMap, true);
                } else {
                    // no send to email address, just log to file
                    Debug.logImportant("No sendTo email address found in process oagisReceiveSyncInventory service: inventoryMapList: " + inventoryMapList, module);
            } catch (Throwable t) {
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Examples of org.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher.runAsync()

                // NOTE: this is different for each service, should be shipmentId or returnId or PO orderId or etc
                // for sync inventory no such ID: sendConfirmBodCtx.put("origRefId", shipmentId);

                // run async because this will send a message back to the other server and may take some time, and/or fail
                dispatcher.runAsync("oagisSendConfirmBod", sendConfirmBodCtx, null, true, 60, true);
            } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
                String errMsg = "Error sending Confirm BOD: " + e.toString();
                Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
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Examples of org.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher.runAsync()

                // NOTE: this is different for each service, should be shipmentId or returnId or PO orderId or etc
                sendConfirmBodCtx.put("origRefId", orderId);

                // run async because this will send a message back to the other server and may take some time, and/or fail
                dispatcher.runAsync("oagisSendConfirmBod", sendConfirmBodCtx, null, true, 60, true);
            } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
                String errMsg = "Error sending Confirm BOD: " + e.toString();
                Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
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