Examples of rotateAroundY()

Examples of net.minecraft.src.Vec3.rotateAroundY()

        //Rel is the relative coordinate in hydra reference frame
        Vec3 rel = origin.subtract(raw);
        //Account for hydra base station / head tracker orientation not aligned
        //After this, rel is in body coordinates (relative to head tracker reference frame, not accounting for mouse-induced world yaw offset)

        //Now, compute the offset from the hydra controller to the camera location. Straight from the settings (although negated -
        //vrSettings stores eye center -> hydra values for user readability. We need hydra -> eye center values here)
        float hydraXOffset = -vrSettings.getPosTrackHydraOffsetX();
        float hydraYOffset = -vrSettings.getPosTrackHydraOffsetY();
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Examples of net.minecraft.src.Vec3.rotateAroundY()

        // The configured offset is for a 0,0,0 rotation head. Apply current head orientation to get final offset
        Vec3 correctionToCentreEyePosition = Vec3.createVectorHelper(hydraXOffset, hydraYOffset, hydraZOffset);


        //Add the hydra position (in head tracker reference frame) to the camera offset
        //to get the camera position in head tracker reference frame
        headPos = vecAdd(rel,correctionToCentreEyePosition);

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Examples of net.minecraft.src.Vec3.rotateAroundY()

          //We compute the "ideal" neck model position, in head tracker reference frame
          Vec3 neckModelToCentreEyePosition = Vec3.createVectorHelper(0, vrSettings.neckBaseToEyeHeight, -vrSettings.eyeProtrusion);

          //The actual hydra position on the head is offset from the eye center by this amount
          Vec3 originOffset = correctionToCentreEyePosition.subtract(neckModelToCentreEyePosition);
          //Counteract the base station yaw to get back to absolute razer coordinates
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Examples of net.minecraft.src.Vec3.rotateAroundY()

          //The actual hydra position on the head is offset from the eye center by this amount
          Vec3 originOffset = correctionToCentreEyePosition.subtract(neckModelToCentreEyePosition);
          //Counteract the base station yaw to get back to absolute razer coordinates

            // save raw - originOffset as origin. That way, when origin is subtracted in the future,
          // positions very close to the current location+orientation will have the eye in the correct spot
          origin = originOffset.subtract(raw);
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