// if its this is a failure that need to be retried, then do it
// this might happen if the state of the river index has not been propagated yet to this node, which
// should happen pretty fast since we managed to get the _meta in the RiversRouter
Throwable failure = ExceptionsHelper.unwrapCause(e);
if ((failure instanceof NoShardAvailableActionException) || (failure instanceof ClusterBlockException) || (failure instanceof IndexMissingException)) {
logger.debug("failed to get _meta from [{}]/[{}], retrying...", e, routing.riverName().type(), routing.riverName().name());
final ActionListener<GetResponse> listener = this;
threadPool.schedule(TimeValue.timeValueSeconds(5), ThreadPool.Names.SAME, new Runnable() {
@Override public void run() {
client.prepareGet(riverIndexName, routing.riverName().name(), "_meta").execute(listener);