Restore an equivalent replica of the original instance. Called by ObjectLog on recovering the object.
@return Recoverable An equivalent replica of the original.
Pops the top state on the stack, restoring the context to that state. Sees {@link #save()} method on what can being saved and restored.
@return self to support chaining.
Restore this bean (set it as the current one from some dormant state). This is a framework-invoked method that should not normally be called directly.
@param request the current HttpServletRequest.
@param response the current HttpServletResponse.
@param servletContext the current ServletContext.
Creates a restored instance of the saved component. By using this factory-like approach, we gain independence from having to know the actual implementation. This makes things a lot easier.
@param layoutProcess the layout process that controls it all
@return the saved state
@throws StateException
Restores a previously recorded state.
@param memento an Object representing the state, as returned by a previous call to {@link #getMemento()}.
@throws IllegalArgumentException if memento is not a valid snapshot
Check in the input axiom element into database.
@param path path to check in
@param reader reader containing resource
@throws RegistryException throws if the operation fail
Request restoration of the parameter values to what they were when this object was created. The actual restoration occurs later, in the UI thread, in order to allow all pending changes to the parameter values to be processed first.
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