@return A Result
that holdsboth the expiration and duration.
@throws LeaseDeniedException if the renewal request is denied.
@throws IllegalArgumentException if the requested duration is not Lease.ANY
and is negative.
This API may be used by say the transport-level Conduit when it detects a non-transient error on the outgoing connection, or by any other actor in the dispatch with the ability to infer server-side unavailability. @param logical the previously resolved abstract EPR @param physical the concrete EPR to refresh @return the renewed concrete EPR if appropriate, null otherwise
Renews the security token as specified in the request message, returning the renewed token in the response.
@param request the request message that contains the token to be renewed. @param callerPrincipal the {@code Principal} of the ws-trust token requester. @return a {@code RequestSecurityTokenResponse} containing the renewed token. @throws WSTrustException if an error occurs while handling the renewal process.Renews the security token as specified in the request message, returning the renewed token in the response.
@param request the request message that contains the token to be renewed. @param callerPrincipal the {@code Principal} of the ws-trust token requester. @return a {@code RequestSecurityTokenResponse} containing the renewed token. @throws WSTrustException if an error occurs while handling the renewal process.