Examples of receive()

Examples of org.jnode.net.NetworkLayer.receive()

            // Find all the packettype that want to process the given packet
            try {
                final NetworkLayer pt = getNetworkLayer(protoID);
                if (pt.isAllowedForDevice(dev)) {
                    pt.receive(skbuf, deviceAPI);
            } catch (NoSuchProtocolException ex) {
                log.debug("No network layer handler for protocol 0x" + NumberUtils.hex(protoID, 4));
        } catch (SocketException ex) {

Examples of org.jnode.net.NetworkLayerManager.receive()

     * @param skbuf
    public static void sendToPTM(SocketBuffer skbuf) throws NetworkException {
        final NetworkLayerManager ptm = getNLM();

     * Gets the packet-type-manager

Examples of org.jnode.net.ipv4.IPv4Protocol.receive()

    private void deliver(IPv4Header hdr, SocketBuffer skbuf) throws SocketException {
        final IPv4Protocol protocol;
        try {
            protocol = getProtocol(hdr.getProtocol());
        } catch (NoSuchProtocolException ex) {
            log.debug("Found unknown IP src=" + hdr.getSource() + ", dst=" + hdr.getDestination() +
                    ", prot=0x" + NumberUtils.hex(hdr.getProtocol(), 2));

Examples of org.jpos.iso.ISOChannel.receive()

    public void stopCanWaitForWorkersEvenWhenOutgoingChannelNeverConnects() throws Exception {
        ISOChannel channel = mock(ISOChannel.class);
        when(channel.receive()).thenThrow(new ISOException("unconnected ISOChannel"));

        // repeat test to ensure clean up occurs after stop
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            channelAdaptor = configureAndStart(new ChannelAdaptorWithoutQ2(channel));

Examples of org.jpos.iso.channel.X25Channel.receive()

    public void testReceiveThrowsNullPointerException() throws Throwable {
        BaseChannel x25Channel = new X25Channel();
        try {
            fail("Expected NullPointerException to be thrown");
        } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
            assertNull("ex.getMessage()", ex.getMessage());
            assertNull("(X25Channel) x25Channel.packager", ((X25Channel) x25Channel).packager);
            assertNull("(X25Channel) x25Channel.serverIn", ((X25Channel) x25Channel).serverIn);

Examples of org.jpos.iso.channel.XMLChannel.receive()

        XMLChannel clientChannel = newClientChannel();

        // need to push some traffic through to complete the SSL handshake
        clientChannel.send(new ISOMsg("0800"));
        assertThat(clientChannel.receive(), hasMti("0810"));


        try {

Examples of org.mobicents.mscontrol.MsSignalDetector.receive()

    try {
      ActivityContextInterface dtmfAci = msActivityFactory
      dtmfDetector.receive(Basic.DTMF, connection, new String[] {});
    } catch (UnrecognizedActivityException e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

Examples of org.mule.extras.client.MuleClient.receive()


        // Retrieve using Mule Client
        for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; i++)
            msg = client.receive("pop3://login:password@localhost:3110", 100);
            assertTrue(msg.getPayload() instanceof String);
            result = (String)msg.getPayload();
            assertEquals(result.trim(), body + " " + i);

Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.protocol.ProtocolSession.receive()


      // Read the Replication Server state from the ReplServerStartDSMsg that
      // comes back.
      ReplServerStartDSMsg replStartDSMsg =
        (ReplServerStartDSMsg) session.receive();
      int serverwindow = replStartDSMsg.getWindowSize();
      ServerState replServerState = replStartDSMsg.getServerState();

      if (!sslEncryption)

Examples of org.nasutekds.server.replication.service.ReplicationBroker.receive()

      ResultCode code = modOp.getResultCode();
                 "The original operation failed: " + code.getResultCodeName());

      // See if the client has received the msg
      ReplicationMsg msg = broker.receive();

      assertTrue(msg instanceof ModifyMsg,
                 "The received replication message is not a MODIFY msg");
      ModifyMsg modMsg = (ModifyMsg) msg;
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