This implements the Externalizable interface.
@param in is the stream to read data from in order to restore the object.
@see Externalizable#readExternal(
Calls the super method and reads the MBR object of this entry from the specified input stream.
@param in the stream to read data from in order to restore the object
@throws if I/O errors occur
@throws ClassNotFoundException If the class for an object being restoredcannot be found.
Calls the super method and reads the values of this entry from the specified input stream.
@param in the stream to read data from in order to restore the object
@throws if I/O errors occur
@throws ClassNotFoundException If the class for an object being restoredcannot be found.
The object implements the readExternal method to restore its contents by calling the methods of DataInput for primitive types and readObject for objects, strings and arrays. The readExternal method must read the values in the same sequence and with the same types as were written by writeExternal.
@param in the stream to read data from in order to restore the object
@exception IOException if I/O errors occur
@exception ClassNotFoundException If the class for an object beingrestored cannot be found.
Restore the contents of the MessageContext that was previously saved. NOTE: The field data must read back in the same order and type as it was written. Some data will need to be validated when resurrected.
@param inObject The stream to read the object contents from
@throws IOException
@throws ClassNotFoundException
@see Externalizable#readExternal(ObjectInput)
@param in The stream from which the LdifEntry is read
@throws IOException If the stream can't be read
@throws ClassNotFoundException If the LdifEntry can't be created
We read back the data to create a new ATAV. The structure read is exposed in the {@link Ava#writeExternal(ObjectOutput)}method
@see Externalizable#readExternal(ObjectInput)
@throws IOException If the Ava can't b written to the stream
@throws ClassNotFoundException If we can't deserialize an Ava from the stream
We read back the data to create a new RDB. The structure read is exposed in the {@link Rdn#writeExternal(ObjectOutput)}method
@see Externalizable#readExternal(ObjectInput)
@param in The input stream from which the Rdn will be read
@throws IOException If we can't read from the input stream
@throws ClassNotFoundException If we can't create a new Rdn
@see Externalizable#readExternal(ObjectInput)
@param in The stream from which the LdifEntry is read
@throws IOException If the stream can't be read
@throws ClassNotFoundException If the LdifEntry can't be created
We read back the data to create a new ATAV. The structure read is exposed in the {@link Ava#writeExternal(ObjectOutput)}method
@see Externalizable#readExternal(ObjectInput)
@throws IOException If the Ava can't b written to the stream
@throws ClassNotFoundException If we can't deserialize an Ava from the stream
We read back the data to create a new RDB. The structure read is exposed in the {@link Rdn#writeExternal(ObjectOutput)}method
@see Externalizable#readExternal(ObjectInput)
@param in The input stream from which the Rdn will be read
@throws IOException If we can't read from the input stream
@throws ClassNotFoundException If we can't create a new Rdn
Read the external representation of an object. The object will already be instantiated, but may be uninitialized, when this method is called.
@param subject the object to read
@param input the input
@throws IOException if an error occurs
@throws ClassNotFoundException if a class could not be found during read
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