@return The ranges of values in this Matrix
and to
, inclusive. More formally, the returned set contains all tuples whose indeces are in the range [from.index()].
@return { s: TupleSet | s.universe = this.universe && s.arity = from.arity &&s.tuples = {t: Tuple | t.universe = this.universe && t.arity = s.arity && from.index()<=t.index()<=to.index() }}
@throws NullPointerException - from=null || to=null
@throws IllegalArgumentException - from.arity != to.arity
@throws IllegalArgumentException - from.universe != this.universe || to.universe != this.universe
@throws IllegalArgumentException - from.index> to.index
{@link #executeDiff(HgBlameInspector) diff} uses these as revisions to diff against each other, while {@link #executeAnnotate(HgBlameInspector) annotate} walks the range.
@param changelogRevIndexStart index of changelog revision, left range boundary
@param changelogRevIndexEnd index of changelog revision, right range boundary
@return this
for convenience
@throws HgBadArgumentException if failed to find any of supplied changeset
instance for convenience