Examples of quadTo()

Examples of java.awt.geom.GeneralPath.quadTo()

    } else if(point.getType() == ShapePoint.TYPE_ROUND){
      entryPoint = getCellEdgePointBetween(point, previous, diagram);
      exitPoint = getCellEdgePointBetween(point, next, diagram);
      path.moveTo(entryPoint.x, entryPoint.y);
      path.quadTo(point.x, point.y, exitPoint.x, exitPoint.y);     

    for(int i = 1; i < size; i++){
      previous = point;
      point = (ShapePoint) getPoints().get(i);
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Examples of java.awt.geom.GeneralPath.quadTo()

      else if(point.getType() == ShapePoint.TYPE_ROUND){
        entryPoint = getCellEdgePointBetween(point, previous, diagram);
        exitPoint = getCellEdgePointBetween(point, next, diagram);

        path.lineTo(entryPoint.x, entryPoint.y);
        path.quadTo(point.x, point.y, exitPoint.x, exitPoint.y);
          if(next.getType() == ShapePoint.TYPE_NORMAL)
            path.lineTo(next.x, next.y);
          else if(next.getType() == ShapePoint.TYPE_ROUND){
            entryPoint = getCellEdgePointBetween(next, point, diagram);
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Examples of java.awt.geom.GeneralPath.quadTo()

    //int controlDY = diagram.getCellHeight() / 2;
    int controlDX = bounds.width / 6;
    int controlDY = bounds.height / 8;
    path.quadTo(pointMid.x + controlDX, pointMid.y - controlDY, pointMid.x, pointMid.y);
    path.quadTo(pointMid.x - controlDX, pointMid.y + controlDY, point4.x, point4.y);
    return path;
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Examples of java.awt.geom.GeneralPath.quadTo()

    int controlDX = bounds.width / 6;
    int controlDY = bounds.height / 8;
    path.quadTo(pointMid.x + controlDX, pointMid.y - controlDY, pointMid.x, pointMid.y);
    path.quadTo(pointMid.x - controlDX, pointMid.y + controlDY, point4.x, point4.y);
    return path;
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Examples of java.awt.geom.GeneralPath.quadTo()

                case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
                    p.lineTo(points[j], points[j + 1]);
                case PathIterator.SEG_QUADTO:
                    p.quadTo(points[j], points[j + 1], points[j + 2], points[j + 3]);
                case PathIterator.SEG_CUBICTO:
                    p.curveTo(points[j], points[j + 1], points[j + 2], points[j + 3], points[j + 4], points[j + 5]);
                case PathIterator.SEG_CLOSE:
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Examples of java.awt.geom.GeneralPath.quadTo()


        GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath();
        path.moveTo(120, 240);
        path.lineTo(240, 240);
        path.quadTo(180, 120, 120, 240);
        _shape = new BasicFigure(path, Color.red);

        Polyline2D poly = new Polyline2D.Double();
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Examples of java.awt.geom.GeneralPath.quadTo()

            * Math.PI * Math.random(), xc, yc));

        GeneralPath bean = new GeneralPath();
        bean.moveTo(xc - r, yc - 0.1f * r);
        bean.quadTo(xc - r, yc - 0.6f * r, xc, yc - 0.6f * r);
        bean.quadTo(xc + r, yc - 0.6f * r, xc + r, yc - 0.1f * r);
        bean.lineTo(xc + r, yc + 0.1f * r);
        bean.quadTo(xc + r, yc + 0.6f * r, xc, yc + 0.6f * r);
        bean.quadTo(xc - r, yc + 0.6f * r, xc - r, yc + 0.1f * r);
        bean.lineTo(xc - r, yc - 0.1f * r);
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Examples of java.awt.geom.GeneralPath.quadTo()

            * Math.PI * Math.random(), xc, yc));

        GeneralPath bean = new GeneralPath();
        bean.moveTo(xc - r, yc - 0.1f * r);
        bean.quadTo(xc - r, yc - 0.6f * r, xc, yc - 0.6f * r);
        bean.quadTo(xc + r, yc - 0.6f * r, xc + r, yc - 0.1f * r);
        bean.lineTo(xc + r, yc + 0.1f * r);
        bean.quadTo(xc + r, yc + 0.6f * r, xc, yc + 0.6f * r);
        bean.quadTo(xc - r, yc + 0.6f * r, xc - r, yc + 0.1f * r);
        bean.lineTo(xc - r, yc - 0.1f * r);
        bean.lineTo(xc + r, yc - 0.1f * r);
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Examples of java.awt.geom.GeneralPath.quadTo()

        GeneralPath bean = new GeneralPath();
        bean.moveTo(xc - r, yc - 0.1f * r);
        bean.quadTo(xc - r, yc - 0.6f * r, xc, yc - 0.6f * r);
        bean.quadTo(xc + r, yc - 0.6f * r, xc + r, yc - 0.1f * r);
        bean.lineTo(xc + r, yc + 0.1f * r);
        bean.quadTo(xc + r, yc + 0.6f * r, xc, yc + 0.6f * r);
        bean.quadTo(xc - r, yc + 0.6f * r, xc - r, yc + 0.1f * r);
        bean.lineTo(xc - r, yc - 0.1f * r);
        bean.lineTo(xc + r, yc - 0.1f * r);
        bean.lineTo(xc + r, yc + 0.1f * r);
        bean.lineTo(xc - r, yc + 0.1f * r);
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Examples of java.awt.geom.GeneralPath.quadTo()

        bean.moveTo(xc - r, yc - 0.1f * r);
        bean.quadTo(xc - r, yc - 0.6f * r, xc, yc - 0.6f * r);
        bean.quadTo(xc + r, yc - 0.6f * r, xc + r, yc - 0.1f * r);
        bean.lineTo(xc + r, yc + 0.1f * r);
        bean.quadTo(xc + r, yc + 0.6f * r, xc, yc + 0.6f * r);
        bean.quadTo(xc - r, yc + 0.6f * r, xc - r, yc + 0.1f * r);
        bean.lineTo(xc - r, yc - 0.1f * r);
        bean.lineTo(xc + r, yc - 0.1f * r);
        bean.lineTo(xc + r, yc + 0.1f * r);
        bean.lineTo(xc - r, yc + 0.1f * r);
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