masterStatus.addSortableColumn("Entries<br />Returned", new NumberType<Long>(), "The total number of Key/Value pairs returned as a result of scans.");
masterStatus.addSortableColumn("Hold Time", new DurationType(0l, 0l), "The maximum amount of time that ingest has been held "
+ "across all servers due to a lack of memory to store the records");
masterStatus.addSortableColumn("OS Load", new NumberType<Double>(0., guessHighLoad * 1., 0., guessHighLoad * 3.),
"The one-minute load average on the computer that runs the monitor web server.");
TableRow row = masterStatus.prepareRow();
row.add(masters.size() == 0 ? "<div class='error'>Down</div>" : AddressUtil.parseAddress(masters.get(0), false).getHostText());
row.add("<a href='/gc'>" + gcStatus + "</a>");