Examples of performSearch()

Examples of com.centraview.advancedsearch.AdvancedSearch.performSearch()

        individualIds.put(individualid, individualid);
        dynaform.set("toIndividuals", individualIds);
      } else if (entitysavedsearch.equals("INDIVIDUAL")) {
        String individualSearchId = (String) dynaform.get("individualSearchId");
        ArrayList results = new ArrayList();
        results.addAll(remoteAdvancedSearch.performSearch(individualID, Integer.parseInt(individualSearchId), "ADVANCE", null));
        HashMap individualIds = new HashMap();
        for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
          Number resultId = (Number) results.get(i);
          // I stuck the key and value in to this hashmap as the same string
          // as that is how the rest of print templates is written and I
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Examples of com.centraview.advancedsearch.AdvancedSearch.performSearch()

        // this is when an entity saved search is selected, and we need to
        // get the individualid's of the primary contacts for the found set
        // of entities.
        String entitySearchId = (String) dynaform.get("entityId");
        ArrayList results = new ArrayList();
        results.addAll(remoteAdvancedSearch.performSearch(individualID, Integer.parseInt(entitySearchId), "ADVANCE", null));
        // results contains our collection of entity ids.
        Collection contactID = PTRemote.getContactsForEntity(results, true);
        Iterator contactIdIterator = contactID.iterator();
        HashMap individualIds = new HashMap();
        while (contactIdIterator.hasNext()) {
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Examples of com.centraview.advancedsearch.AdvancedSearch.performSearch()

      } else if (entitysavedsearch.equals("ENTITY") && savedsearch1.equals("ALL")) {
        // This is exactly the same as above, except we are getting all
        // individuals instead of just primary contacts.
        String entitySearchId = (String) dynaform.get("entityId");
        ArrayList results = new ArrayList();
        results.addAll(remoteAdvancedSearch.performSearch(individualID, Integer.parseInt(entitySearchId), "ADVANCE", null));
        // results contains our collection of entity ids.
        Collection contactID = PTRemote.getContactsForEntity(results, false);
        Iterator contactIdIterator = contactID.iterator();
        HashMap individualIds = new HashMap();
        while (contactIdIterator.hasNext()) {
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Examples of com.centraview.advancedsearch.AdvancedSearch.performSearch()


        ArrayList resultsIDs = new ArrayList();

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Examples of com.centraview.advancedsearch.AdvancedSearchLocal.performSearch()

      InitialContext ic = CVUtility.getInitialContext();
      AdvancedSearchLocalHome home = (AdvancedSearchLocalHome) ic.lookup("local/AdvancedSearch");
      AdvancedSearchLocal remote = (AdvancedSearchLocal) home.create();
      ArrayList resultsIDs = new ArrayList();

      //Parse out the field Information which are fieldtableid, fieldID and fieldType
      // Field type as its own idenfication
      // for example  "6" is a phone type field. "8" is a multiple selection field type
      int fieldTableID = 0;
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Examples of uk.ac.starlink.vo.ConeSearch.performSearch()

                starTable = sq.execute(factory);
            } else if (RegCapabilityInterface.CONE_STDID.equals(_standardId)) {
                _progressPanel.setText("Performing cone search: " + _url);
                ConeSearch cs = new ConeSearch(_url.toString());
                // convert radius to degrees for query
                starTable = cs.performSearch(ra, dec, radius / 60., 0, factory);
            } else if (RegCapabilityInterface.SSA_STDID.equals(_standardId)) {
                _progressPanel.setText("Performing SSA query: " + _url);
                DalQuery sq = new DalQuery(_url.toString(), ra, dec, radius / 60.);
                sq.addArgument("REQUEST", "queryData");
                starTable = sq.execute(factory);
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