Parses plugin arguments. Handles quotes and all other kewl stuff.
Special parameters
The plugin body is put into a special parameter defined by {@link #PARAM_BODY}; the plugin's command line into a parameter defined by {@link #PARAM_CMDLINE}; and the bounds of the plugin within the wiki page text by a parameter defined by {@link #PARAM_BOUNDS}, whose value is stored as a two-element int[] array, i.e., [start,end].
@param argstring The argument string to the plugin. This istypically a list of key-value pairs, using "'" to escape spaces in strings, followed by an empty line and then the plugin body. In case the parameter is null, will return an empty parameter list.
@return A parsed list of parameters.
@throws IOException If the parsing fails.
Parses command line arguments for the specified {@code actions}and {@code args}. This variant assumes that there is only a single {@link Action} and, as a result, the user does not specifyan action name on the command line.
@param actions a single not-{@code null} {@link Action}
@param options a not {@code null}, optionally empty, list
@param cmdLineArgs a not {@code null} array of command line arguments
@return a not {@code null} {@code ParseResult}
Parses the supplied command line arguments according to the configured {@code Options} generating a {@code CommandLine}. If parsing the options fails for any reason, or the user specifically requested help, then {@link #printUsageAndExit(int)} is called. Similarly, if the userrequests the product version, then {@link #printVersionAndExit(int)}is called.
@param args String array of supplied command line arguments.
Sets each option to the appropriate value, based on command-line arguments. If there is an error, prints error messages and/or usage to System.err.
@return true if the arguments were parsed successfully.
Parses command line arguments.
The resulted attributes are returned as {@link Namespace} object. Thismethod must not alter the status of this parser and can be called multiple times.
@param args Command line arguments.
@return {@link Namespace} object.
@throws ArgumentParserException If an error occurred.
Parse the command-line arguments. As a side-effect, fills in various instance fields. This method was carved out of executeWork() so that NetworkServerControl can figure out whether to install a security manager before the server actually comes up. This is part of the work for DERBY-2196.
@param args array of arguments indicating command to be executed
@return the command to be executed
Parse args, return stream name. Do not start running. Return the stream name, given params. The stream name is the part of the Adaptor status that's used to determine uniqueness.
@return Stream name as a string, null if params are malformed
Parses plugin arguments. Handles quotes and all other kewl stuff.
Special parameters
The plugin body is put into a special parameter defined by {@link #PARAM_BODY}; the plugin's command line into a parameter defined by {@link #PARAM_CMDLINE}; and the bounds of the plugin within the wiki page text by a parameter defined by {@link #PARAM_BOUNDS}, whose value is stored as a two-element int[] array, i.e., [start,end].
@param argstring The argument string to the plugin. This istypically a list of key-value pairs, using "'" to escape spaces in strings, followed by an empty line and then the plugin body. In case the parameter is null, will return an empty parameter list.
@return A parsed list of parameters.
@throws IOException If the parsing fails.
Parses plugin arguments. Handles quotes and all other kewl stuff.
Special parameters
The plugin body is put into a special parameter defined by {@link #PARAM_BODY}; the plugin's command line into a parameter defined by {@link #PARAM_CMDLINE}; and the bounds of the plugin within the wiki page text by a parameter defined by {@link #PARAM_BOUNDS}, whose value is stored as a two-element int[] array, i.e., [start,end].
@param argstring The argument string to the plugin. This istypically a list of key-value pairs, using "'" to escape spaces in strings, followed by an empty line and then the plugin body. In case the parameter is null, will return an empty parameter list.
@return A parsed list of parameters.
@throws IOException If the parsing fails.
Parses the argument vector and throws an exception if problems are found. Otherwise, populates the appropriate arguments flags/variables.
Parses the list of arguments of a method. This method creates a list of {@link ArgDescriptor} from the given list of DOM elements
@param argElements the list of argument DOM elements
@param parse Parse object that contains all information for the current parse operation.
@return the list of ArgDescriptor created from the DOM elements
@see ArgDescriptor
The JRMP generator recognizes command line options for selecting the JRMP stub protocol version to generate classes for. Only one such option is allowed.