analyze the file content and prepares the text meta data information based on the words, characters and punctuation found in the file
@param file the file handler that knows how to read the file
@return the file meta information like number of words, chars etc.
@author andreas.gerlach
Parses a mathematical expression into a Function instance. The function can include the unary operators - and !, the binary operators +-/^*&|, the standard functions sin() cos() tan() asin(), acos(), atan(), exp(), and ln(), and user-defined unary functions functions that have been registered with the registerFunction(...) method. The constant "pi" and literal constants are also allowed. The logical operators produce 1f or 0f, on the basis of whether their operands are > 1/2. Functions must be given in infix notation and can include brackets.
Function operands have the form x0, x1, etc., which serve as placeholders for values that are given at each dimension of the map() method of the resulting function.
An example of a valid expression would be "x0 * (x1 + x2)^x3 * ln(x4/3)"
@param expression Mathematical expression
@param dimension Input dimension of the desired Function (must be at least as greatas any referenced inputs, eg if x3 appears in the expression, the dimension must be at least 4)
@return Instance of a Function implementing the given expression
Parses a message string and returns the corresponding Message object.
@param message a String that contains an HL7 message
@return a HAPI Message object parsed from the given String
@throws HL7Exception if the message is not correctly formatted.
@throws EncodingNotSupportedException if the message encoded is not supported by this parser.
Parses a segment string and populates the given Segment object. Unexpected fields are added as Varies' at the end of the segment.
@param theRepetition The repetition number of this segment within its group
@throws HL7Exception if the given string does not contain the given segment or if the string is not encoded properly
Parses an FXG document InputStream to produce an FXGNode based DOM.
@param is the input stream
@return the root FXGNode of the DOM
@throws FXGException if an exception occurred while parsing.
@throws IOException if an exception occurred while reading the stream.
Analyze DMDL Script from the source stream and returns a corresponded AST.
@param source the script source
@param identifier the script identifier (nullable)
@return the analyzed AST
@throws DmdlSyntaxException if the specified script is not a valid DMDL script
@throws IllegalArgumentException if some parameters were {@code null}
Parses an expression. Called recursively to parse sub-expressions nested within parenthesis.
@param textExpression the expression to parse. Must not be null or empty.
@return the root node in the parsed expression tree.
Takes an unstructured text document (as a String), extracts the location names contained therein, and resolves them into geographic entities representing the best match for those location names.
@param inputText unstructured text to be processed
@return list of geo entities resolved from text
@throws Exception
By default, this only parses the JSON part into object. In case caller needs more information(i.e. information from headers) into this object, caller can extend this class and implement the extraParses(HttpResponse httpResponse) method
@throws BoxRestException
Main application parsing method. The parser will try to load the compiled script. If the compiled script exists and the source file has not changed, parse will return the old script. Otherwise, it will parse and compile the javascript.
@param name the name of the javascript source.
@return the parsed script
Parse whatever it is. The options should come from {@link ConfigParseable#options options()} but you could tweak them if youlike.
@param options parse options, should be based on the ones from {@link ConfigParseable#options options()}
Parse whatever it is. The options should come from {@link ConfigParseable#options options()} but you could tweak them if youlike.
@param options parse options, should be based on the ones from {@link ConfigParseable#options options()}
Parses the entire document from the Reader given in the constructor or set by {@link #setInputReader(Reader)}.
@return A WikiDocument, ready to be passed to the renderer.
@throws IOException If parsing cannot be accomplished.
Parses a multipart request calling the {@link PartHandler} callbacks when a part is found.
@param request the javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest that we are going to parse.
@param partHandler a callback handler that will be called when a part is found.
@throws IOException if there is a problem parsing the request.
@throws MultipartException if the request is not multipart or if there is an error parsing the multipartrequest.
Parses the HTTP resquest, binding a parameter value to an SQL field.
@param parameter the HTTP request parameter name
@param field the SQL field name
@param operator the SQL operator examples: =, !=, >, >=, <, <=, LIKE, ...
@param parameterType the parameter type (HttpExpressionBinder.PARAMETERTYPE_*)
parse the query for lucene.
@param query as {@link String}
@return parsed lucene query
@throws ParseException when the query cannot be successfully parsed
Collects all included files from the content of the reader.
@param reader character reader containing a FORTRAN source module
@throws IOException throw if I/O error during parse
Parse a JSON object, array, or value into a new instance of the given destination class, optionally using the given parser customizer.
If it parses an object, after this method ends, the current token will be the object's ending {@link JsonToken#END_OBJECT}. If it parses an array, after this method ends, the current token will be the array's ending {@link JsonToken#END_ARRAY}.
@param < T> destination class type
@param destinationClass destination class that has a public default constructor to use tocreate a new instance
@param customizeParser optional parser customizer or {@code null} for none
@return new instance of the parsed destination class
Returns a parse tree node containing the content. For content from elements this does not include any information from modifying attributes such as the media attribute on {@code } and{@code