Inserts the given {@link Pixmap}. You can later on retrieve the images position in the output image via the supplied name and the method {@link #getRect(String)}.
@param name the name of the image @param image the image @return Rectangle describing the area the pixmap was rendered to or null. @throws RuntimeException in case the image did not fit due to the page size being to small or providing a duplicate name This method is called by {@link #endDocument endDocument
} automatically. However, if only anXML fragment is recorded, there may never be an endDocument
event and the mothod should be called manually.
Closes its input but not its output. (Pack200 archives are appendable.) @param in a JarFile @param out an OutputStream @exception IOException if an error is encountered.
from the specified project. The JitterPack
will be saved as the specified file.
@param project the project to pack into a JitterPack
@param comment an optional comment that will be part of the JitterPack
@param target the file into which the JitterPack
is created.
@param params a ExportParameters
instance, holding additional parameters to be used when packing the project.
@return the created JitterPack
@throws JitterPackException if the project could not be packaged into a JitterPack at the specified target.
@return an array of byte.