Package org.xmlBlaster.client.qos

Examples of org.xmlBlaster.client.qos.PublishQos.toXml()

         for (int ii=0; ii<msgArr.length; ii++) {
            PublishKey key = new PublishKey(glob, "__sys_jdbc."+ME, "text/xml", "SQLQuery");
            PublishQos qos = new PublishQos(glob, new Destination(new SessionName(glob, cust)));
            MsgUnitRaw msgUnitRaw = new MsgUnitRaw(msgArr[ii], key.toXml(), msgArr[ii].getContent(), qos.toXml());
            String  oid = callback.publish(msgUnitRaw);
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) log.finest("Delivered Results...\n" + new String(content));
      catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
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      String xmlKey = "<key oid='" + publishOid + "' contentMime='" + contentMime + "' contentMimeExtended='" + contentMimeExtended + "'>\n" +
                      "   <TestPubBurstMode-AGENT id='' subId='1' type='generic'>" +
                      "   </TestPubBurstMode-AGENT>" +
      PublishQos qosWrapper = new PublishQos(glob);
      String qos = qosWrapper.toXml(); // == "<qos></qos>"

      MsgUnit[] msgUnitArr = new MsgUnit[numPublish];
      try {
         for (int ii=0; ii<numPublish; ii++) {
            String senderContent = ME + ii; // different content forcing xmlBlaster to store
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      PublishKey pubKeyW = new PublishKey(glob, publishOid2, contentMime, contentMimeExtended);
      String pubKey = pubKeyW.toXml(); // "<key oid='" + publishOid2 + "' contentMime='" + contentMime + "' contentMimeExtended='" + contentMimeExtended + "'></key>"

      PublishQos pubQosW = new PublishQos(glob);
      String pubQos = pubQosW.toXml(); // "<qos></qos>"

      long usedBefore = getUsedServerMemory(); + " clients are publishing one message each ...");
View Full Code Here"TEST 1: Testing filtered PtP message");
      String content = "12345678901"; // content is too long, our plugin denies this message
      try {
         PublishQos pq = new PublishQos(glob);
         pq.addDestination(new Destination(new SessionName(glob, name)));
         PublishReturnQos rq = con.publish(new MsgUnit("<key oid='MSG'/>", content.getBytes(), pq.toXml()));"TEST 1: SUCCESS returned state=" + rq.getState());
         assertTrue("Return OK", !Constants.STATE_OK.equals(rq.getState()));
      } catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
         log.warning("XmlBlasterException: " + e.getMessage());
         assertTrue("publish - XmlBlasterException: " + e.getMessage(), false);
View Full Code Here"TEST 2: Testing unfiltered PtP message");
      content = "1234567890";
      try {
         PublishQos pq = new PublishQos(glob);
         pq.addDestination(new Destination(new SessionName(glob, name)));
         PublishReturnQos rq = con.publish(new MsgUnit("<key oid='MSG'/>", content.getBytes(), pq.toXml()));
         assertEquals("Return not OK", Constants.STATE_OK, rq.getState());"TEST 2: SUCCESS");
      } catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
         log.warning("XmlBlasterException: " + e.getMessage());
         assertTrue("publish - XmlBlasterException: " + e.getMessage(), false);
View Full Code Here"TEST 3: Test what happens if the plugin throws an exception");
      try {   // see THROW_EXCEPTION_FOR_LEN=3
         PublishQos pq = new PublishQos(glob);
         pq.addDestination(new Destination(new SessionName(glob, name)));
         con.publish(new MsgUnit("<key oid='MSG'/>", "123".getBytes(), pq.toXml()));
         fail("publish - expected an XmlBlasterException");
      } catch(XmlBlasterException e) {
         log.warning("TEST 3: SUCCESS XmlBlasterException: " + e.getMessage());
View Full Code Here"*****Publishing messages ...");

      try {
         PublishKey pk = new PublishKey(glob, "command-navigation", "text/plain", "1.0");
         PublishQos pq = new PublishQos(glob);
         MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(pk.toXml(), "Hi".getBytes(), pq.toXml());
         con1.publish(msgUnit);"Published message '" + pk.getOid() + "'");

         pk = new PublishKey(glob, "command-radar-1", "text/plain", "1.0");
         pq = new PublishQos(glob);
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         con1.publish(msgUnit);"Published message '" + pk.getOid() + "'");

         pk = new PublishKey(glob, "command-radar-1", "text/plain", "1.0");
         pq = new PublishQos(glob);
         msgUnit = new MsgUnit(pk.toXml(), "Hi".getBytes(), pq.toXml());
         con1.publish(msgUnit);"Published message '" + pk.getOid() + "'");

         pk = new PublishKey(glob, "dummyTestSubXPathMany", "text/plain", "1.0");
         pq = new PublishQos(glob);
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         con1.publish(msgUnit);"Published message '" + pk.getOid() + "'");

         pk = new PublishKey(glob, "dummyTestSubXPathMany", "text/plain", "1.0");
         pq = new PublishQos(glob);
         msgUnit = new MsgUnit(pk.toXml(), "Hi".getBytes(), pq.toXml());
         con1.publish(msgUnit);"Published message '" + pk.getOid() + "'");
      catch (XmlBlasterException e) {
         fail("doPublish failed: " + e.toString());
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            else {
               content = org.xmlBlaster.util.ReplaceVariable.replaceAll(contentStr, "%counter", ""+(i+1)).getBytes();

            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) log.finest("Going to parse publish message: " + pk.toXml() + " : " + content + " : " + pq.toXml());
            MsgUnit msgUnit = new MsgUnit(pk, content, pq);
            if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) log.finest("Going to publish message: " + msgUnit.toXml());

            if (oneway) {
               MsgUnit msgUnitArr[] = { msgUnit };
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