Returns the value in this group for the specified {@linkplain Identifier#getCode identifier code}. If no {@linkplain ParameterValue parameter value} is found buta {@linkplain ParameterDescriptor parameter descriptor} is found (which may occursif the parameter is optional, i.e.
{@linkplain ParameterDescriptor#getMinimumOccurs minimumOccurs} == 0
), then a {@linkplain ParameterValue parameter value} isautomatically created and initialized to its {@linkplain ParameterDescriptor#getDefaultValue default value} (if any).
This convenience method provides a way to get and set parameter values by name. For example the following idiom fetches a floating point value for the {@code "false_easting"} parameter:
double value = parameter("false_easting"). {@linkplain ParameterValue#doubleValue() doubleValue()};
This method do not search recursively in subgroups. This is because more than one subgroup may exist for the same {@linkplain ParameterDescriptorGroup descriptor}. The user must {@linkplain #groups query all subgroups} and select explicitly theappropriate one to use.
@param name The case insensitive {@linkplain Identifier#getCode identifier code} of theparameter to search for.
@return The parameter value for the given identifier code.
@throws ParameterNotFoundException if there is no parameter value for the given identifier code.