Resume a suspended request.
This method can be called by any thread that has been passed a reference to a continuation. When called the request is redispatched to the normal filter chain and servlet processing with {@link #isInitial()} false.
If resume is called before a suspended request is returned to the container (ie the thread that called {@link #suspend()} is stillwithin the filter chain and/or servlet service method), then the resume does not take effect until the call to the filter chain and/or servlet returns to the container. In this case both {@link #isSuspended()} and{@link #isResumed()} return true. Multiple calls to resume are ignored.
Typically resume() is used after a call to {@link #suspend()} withno arguments. The dispatch after a resume call will use the original request and response objects, even if {@link #suspend(ServletResponse)} had been passed a wrapped response.
@see #suspend()
@exception IllegalStateException if the request is not suspended.