for (int i = 0, count = syntheticArgumentTypes.length; i < count; i++) {
// This behaviour tracks JLS
// This covers that the parameter ending up in a nested class must be mandated "on the way in", even if it
// isn't the first. The practical relevance of this is questionable, since the constructor call will be
// generated by the same constructor.
boolean couldForwardToMandated = anonymousWithNestedSuper ? declaringClass.superclass().enclosingType().equals(syntheticArgumentTypes[i]) : true;
int modifier = couldForwardToMandated && isImplicitlyDeclared ? ClassFileConstants.AccMandated : ClassFileConstants.AccSynthetic;
char[] name = CharOperation.concat(
String.valueOf(i).toCharArray()); // cannot use depth, can be identical
length = writeArgumentName(name, modifier | ClassFileConstants.AccFinal, length);