Package org.drools.runtime.rule

Examples of org.drools.runtime.rule.FactHandle.toExternalForm()

        inXml = "";
        inXml += "{\"batch-execution\":{\"commands\":[";
        inXml += "  {\"get-object\":{ ";
        inXml += "      \"out-identifier\":'outStilton',";
        inXml += "      \"fact-handle\":'" + factHandle.toExternalForm() + "'}}";
        inXml += "]}}";
        inXml = roundTripFromXml( inXml );
        getPipelineStateful( ksession ).insert( inXml,
                                                resultHandler );
        outXml = (String) resultHandler.getObject();
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//        assertXMLEqual( expectedXml,
//                        outXml );
        inXml = "";
        inXml += "{\"batch-execution\":{\"commands\":[";
        inXml += "  {\"modify\":{\"fact-handle\":'" + factHandle.toExternalForm() + "'";
        inXml += ",                \"setters\":[{\"accessor\":\"oldPrice\",\"set\":42}, {\"accessor\":\"price\",\"set\":50}]";
        inXml += "} }";
        inXml += ", {\"fire-all-rules\":\"\"}";
        inXml += "]}}";
        inXml = roundTripFromXml( inXml );
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                                                resultHandler );
        inXml = "";
        inXml += "{\"batch-execution\":{\"commands\":[";
        inXml += "  {\"get-object\":{ ";
        inXml += "      \"out-identifier\":'outCheddar',";
        inXml += "      \"fact-handle\":'" + factHandle.toExternalForm() + "'}}";
        inXml += "]}}";
        inXml = roundTripFromXml( inXml );
        getPipelineStateful( ksession ).insert( inXml,
                                                resultHandler );
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        //now test for code injection:
        ModifyCommand.ALLOW_MODIFY_EXPRESSIONS = false;
        inXml = "";
        inXml += "{\"batch-execution\":{\"commands\":[";
        inXml += "  {\"modify\":{\"fact-handle\":'" + factHandle.toExternalForm() + "'";
        inXml += ",                \"setters\":[{\"accessor\":\"type\",\"set\":\"44; System.exit(1);\"}, {\"accessor\":\"price\",\"set\":50}]";
        inXml += "} }";
        inXml += ", {\"fire-all-rules\":\"\"}";
        inXml += "]}}";
        inXml = roundTripFromXml( inXml );
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        ExecutionResults result = (ExecutionResults) BatchExecutionHelper.newJSonMarshaller().fromXML( outXml );
        result = ( ExecutionResults ) roundTripFromObject( result );
        List outList = ( List ) result.getValue( "out-list" );
        assertEquals( 1, outList.size() );
        assertEquals( fh.toExternalForm(), ((FactHandle)outList.get(0)).toExternalForm() );
        assertNotSame( fh, outList.get( 0 ));

//        System.err.println( outXml );
//        String expectedXml = "";
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                      stilton.getPrice() );

        FactHandle factHandle = (FactHandle) result.getFactHandle( "outStilton" );
        inXml = "";
        inXml += "<batch-execution>";
        inXml += "  <get-object out-identifier='outStilton' fact-handle='" + factHandle.toExternalForm() + "' />";
        inXml += "</batch-execution>";
        outXml = template.requestBody( "direct:exec",
                                       String.class );
        result = template.requestBody( "direct:unmarshal",
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                      stilton.getPrice() );

        FactHandle factHandle = (FactHandle) result.getFactHandle( "outStilton" );
        inXml = "";
        inXml += "<batch-execution>";
        inXml += "  <retract fact-handle='" + factHandle.toExternalForm() + "' />";
        inXml += "</batch-execution>";
        template.requestBody( "direct:exec",
                              String.class );
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                              String.class );

        inXml = "";
        inXml += "<batch-execution>";
        inXml += "  <get-object out-identifier='outStilton' fact-handle='" + factHandle.toExternalForm() + "' />";
        inXml += "</batch-execution>";

        outXml = template.requestBody( "direct:exec",
                                       String.class );
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        expectedXml += "      <type>stilton</type>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <oldPrice>0</oldPrice>\n";
        expectedXml += "      <price>30</price>\n";
        expectedXml += "    </org.drools.Cheese>\n";
        expectedXml += "  </result>\n";
        expectedXml += "  <fact-handle identifier=\"outStilton\" external-form=\"" + factHandle.toExternalForm() + "\" /> \n";
        expectedXml += "</execution-results>\n";

        assertXMLEqual( expectedXml,
                        outXml );
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        assertXMLEqual( expectedXml,
                        outXml );

        inXml = "";
        inXml += "<batch-execution>";
        inXml += "  <modify fact-handle='" + factHandle.toExternalForm() + "'> <set accessor='oldPrice' value='\"42\"' /><set accessor='price' value='50' /></modify>";
        inXml += "  <fire-all-rules />";
        inXml += "</batch-execution>";
        template.requestBody( "direct:exec",
                              String.class );
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