Each commandline object has at most one instance of the argument class. This method calls this.createArgument(false).
} } // since this parameter is also used for the output formatting, we need it also if no start nor end date is given cl.createArg().setValue( "--date=iso" ); if ( startVersion != null || endVersion != null ) { StringBuilder versionRange = new StringBuilder();
if ( endVersion != null ) { versionRange.append( StringUtils.escape( endVersion.getName() ) ); } cl.createArg().setValue( versionRange.toString() ); } if ( branch != null && branch.getName() != null && branch.getName().length() > 0 ) {
} if ( branch != null && branch.getName() != null && branch.getName().length() > 0 ) { cl.createArg().setValue( branch.getName() ); } // Insert a separator to make sure that files aren't interpreted as part of the version spec cl.createArg().setValue( "--" );
{ cl.createArg().setValue( branch.getName() ); } // Insert a separator to make sure that files aren't interpreted as part of the version spec cl.createArg().setValue( "--" ); // We have to report only the changes of the current project. // This is needed for child projects, otherwise we would get the changelog of the // whole parent-project including all childs. cl.createArg().setFile( workingDirectory );
cl.createArg().setValue( "--" ); // We have to report only the changes of the current project. // This is needed for child projects, otherwise we would get the changelog of the // whole parent-project including all childs. cl.createArg().setFile( workingDirectory ); return cl; } }
numericCli.getShell().setQuotedArgumentsEnabled( true ); numericCli.getShell().setQuotedExecutableEnabled( false ); numericCli.setExecutable( "ls" ); numericCli.createArg().setLine( options ); numericCli.createArg().setValue( dir.getAbsolutePath() ); if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() ) {
numericCli.setExecutable( "ls" ); numericCli.createArg().setLine( options ); numericCli.createArg().setValue( dir.getAbsolutePath() ); if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() ) { logger.debug( "Executing:\n\n" + numericCli.toString() + "\n" ); }
logger.debug( file + ": mode " + Integer.toOctalString( mode ) + ", chmod " + m ); } commandline.setExecutable( "chmod" ); commandline.createArg().setValue( m ); final String path = file.getAbsolutePath(); commandline.createArg().setValue( path );
commandline.createArg().setValue( m ); final String path = file.getAbsolutePath(); commandline.createArg().setValue( path ); // commenting this debug statement, since it can produce VERY verbose output... // this method is called often during archive creation. // logger.debug( "Executing:\n\n" + commandline.toString() + "\n\n" );
} catch (IOException e) { getLog().debug(e); throw new MojoExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e); } cmd.createArg().setLine(additionalJvmArgs); File file = null; try { // file = new File("/tmp/test.jar"); file = FileUtils.createTempFile("cxf-codegen", ".jar");