Get the nth element. This is often at the innermost loop of an application, so performance is critical.
@param i index of value to get
@return value at given index. If that value wasn't previously set,the result is undefined for performance reasons. It may throw an exception (see below), may return zero, or (if setSize has previously been used) may return stale data.
@throw ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the index was _clearly_unreasonable (negative, or past the highest block).
@throw NullPointerException if the index points to a block that couldhave existed (based on the highest index used) but has never had anything set into it. %REVIEW% Could add a catch to create the block in that case, or return 0. Try/Catch is _supposed_ to be nearly free when not thrown to. Do we believe that? Should we have a separate safeElementAt?
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