Package org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.yard

Examples of org.apache.stanbol.entityhub.servicesapi.yard.Yard.update()

        test1.add(field, "test value 1");
        // create a 2nd Representation by using the ValueFactory (will not add it
        // to the yard!)
        Representation test2 = create(id2, false);
        // now test1 is present and test2 is not.
        Iterable<Representation> updated = yard.update(Arrays.asList(test1, test2));
        // We expect that only test1 is updated and test2 is ignored
        Iterator<Representation> updatedIt = updated.iterator();
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        assertTrue(values.remove(testValue)); // test that it contains the value
        assertTrue(values.isEmpty()); // and that there is only this value
        values = null;
        // now update the stored version with the new state
        stored = null;
        stored = yard.update(test);
        values = asCollection(stored.get(field));
        assertTrue(values.remove(testValue)); // test that it contains the original
        assertTrue(values.remove(testValue2)); // test that it contains the 2nd value
        assertTrue(values.isEmpty()); // and that there are only these two values
        values = null;
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        Representation test2 = create(id2, true);
        // change the representations to be sure to force an update even if the
        // implementation checks for changes before updating a representation
        test1.add(field, "This is the text content of a field with value1.");
        test2.add(field, "This is the text content of a field with value2.");
        Iterable<Representation> updatedIterable = yard.update(Arrays.asList(test1, test2));

        FieldQuery query = yard.getQueryFactory().createFieldQuery();
        query.setConstraint(field, new TextConstraint(Arrays.asList("text content")));
        QueryResultList<Representation> results = yard.find(query);
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        test2.add(filterfield, "Some other content");

        test3.add(similarityfield, "eeee eeee ffff gggg");
        test3.add(filterfield, "Different content");

        Iterable<Representation> updatedIterable = yard.update(Arrays.asList(test1, test2, test3));

        // Perform a first similarity query that looks a lot like the first document
        FieldQuery query = yard.getQueryFactory().createFieldQuery();
        query.setConstraint(similarityfield, new SimilarityConstraint("aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa zzzz yyyy"));
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