Package org.apache.phoenix.jdbc

Examples of org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixPreparedStatement.optimizeQuery()

        String query = "select * from atable where substr(entity_id,1,3)=?";
        List<Object> binds = Arrays.<Object>asList(keyPrefix);
        PhoenixConnection pconn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES)).unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
        PhoenixPreparedStatement pstmt = new PhoenixPreparedStatement(pconn, query);
        bindParams(pstmt, binds);
        QueryPlan plan = pstmt.optimizeQuery();
        Scan scan = plan.getContext().getScan();
        Filter filter = scan.getFilter();

            new RowKeyComparisonFilter(
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        String query = "select * from atable where entity_id=?";
        List<Object> binds = Arrays.<Object>asList(keyPrefix);
        PhoenixConnection pconn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES)).unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
        PhoenixPreparedStatement pstmt = new PhoenixPreparedStatement(pconn, query);
        bindParams(pstmt, binds);
        QueryPlan plan = pstmt.optimizeQuery();
        Scan scan = plan.getContext().getScan();
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        String query = "select * from atable where organization_id=? AND entity_id=?";
        List<Object> binds = Arrays.<Object>asList(tenantId,keyPrefix);
        PhoenixConnection pconn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES)).unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
        PhoenixPreparedStatement pstmt = new PhoenixPreparedStatement(pconn, query);
        bindParams(pstmt, binds);
        QueryPlan plan = pstmt.optimizeQuery();
        Scan scan = plan.getContext().getScan();
        byte[] expectedStartRow = ByteUtil.concat(Bytes.toBytes(tenantId), StringUtil.padChar(Bytes.toBytes(keyPrefix), 15));
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        String query = "select * from atable where substr(entity_id,1,3)=?";
        List<Object> binds = Arrays.<Object>asList(keyPrefix);
        PhoenixConnection pconn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES)).unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
        PhoenixPreparedStatement pstmt = new PhoenixPreparedStatement(pconn, query);
        bindParams(pstmt, binds);
        QueryPlan plan = pstmt.optimizeQuery();
        // Degenerate b/c "foobar" is more than 3 characters

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        String query = "select * from atable where a_string=?";
        List<Object> binds = Arrays.<Object>asList(aString);
        PhoenixConnection pconn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES)).unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
        PhoenixPreparedStatement pstmt = new PhoenixPreparedStatement(pconn, query);
        bindParams(pstmt, binds);
        QueryPlan plan = pstmt.optimizeQuery();
        // Degenerate b/c a_string length is 100

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        String query = "select * from atable where organization_id=? and (substr(entity_id,1,3)=? or a_integer=?)";
        List<Object> binds = Arrays.<Object>asList(tenantId, keyPrefix, aInt);
        PhoenixConnection pconn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES)).unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
        PhoenixPreparedStatement pstmt = new PhoenixPreparedStatement(pconn, query);
        bindParams(pstmt, binds);
        QueryPlan plan = pstmt.optimizeQuery();
        Scan scan = plan.getContext().getScan();
        Filter filter = scan.getFilter();
            singleKVFilter( // single b/c one column is a row key column
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        String query = "select * from atable where organization_id='" + tenantId + "' and a_integer > 'foo'";
        PhoenixConnection pconn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES)).unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
        PhoenixPreparedStatement pstmt = new PhoenixPreparedStatement(pconn, query);

        try {
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Type mismatch"));
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    public void testAndFalseFilter() throws SQLException {
        String tenantId = "000000000000001";
        String query = "select * from atable where organization_id='" + tenantId + "' and a_integer=0 and 2=3";
        PhoenixConnection pconn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES)).unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
        PhoenixPreparedStatement pstmt = new PhoenixPreparedStatement(pconn, query);
        QueryPlan plan = pstmt.optimizeQuery();

    public void testFalseFilter() throws SQLException {
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    public void testFalseFilter() throws SQLException {
        String tenantId = "000000000000001";
        String query = "select * from atable where organization_id='" + tenantId + "' and 2=3";
        PhoenixConnection pconn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES)).unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
        PhoenixPreparedStatement pstmt = new PhoenixPreparedStatement(pconn, query);
        QueryPlan plan = pstmt.optimizeQuery();

    public void testTrueFilter() throws SQLException {
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    public void testTrueFilter() throws SQLException {
        String tenantId = "000000000000001";
        String query = "select * from atable where organization_id='" + tenantId + "' and 2<=2";
        PhoenixConnection pconn = DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(), PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(TEST_PROPERTIES)).unwrap(PhoenixConnection.class);
        PhoenixPreparedStatement pstmt = new PhoenixPreparedStatement(pconn, query);
        QueryPlan plan = pstmt.optimizeQuery();
        Scan scan = plan.getContext().getScan();
        byte[] startRow = PDataType.VARCHAR.toBytes(tenantId);
        assertArrayEquals(startRow, scan.getStartRow());
        byte[] stopRow = startRow;
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