Package org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi

Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.PartnerRoleMessageExchange.replyWithFailure()

                    if (_testService.invoke()) {
                        Message response = mex.createMessage(mex.getOperation().getOutput().getMessage().getQName());
                        response.setMessage(DOMUtils.newDocument().createElementNS(NAMESPACE, "tns:ResponseElement"));
                    } else {
                        mex.replyWithFailure(MessageExchange.FailureType.COMMUNICATION_ERROR, "BangGoesInvoke", null);
                    return null;
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            if (pmex.getStatus() == Status.ASYNC || pmex.getStatus() == Status.REQUEST) {
                try {
                    switch (m.getStatus()) {
                        case FAILURE:
                            // We can't seem to get the failure out of the myrole mex?
                            pmex.replyWithFailure(MessageExchange.FailureType.OTHER, "operation failed", null);
                        case FAULT:
                            Fault fault = pmex.getOperation().getFault(m.getFault().getLocalPart());
                            if (fault == null) {
                                __log.error("process " + this + " instance " + (context != null ? context.getPid() : null) + " thrown unmapped fault in p2p communication " + m.getFault() + " " + m.getFaultExplanation() + " - converted to failure");
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                        case FAULT:
                            Fault fault = pmex.getOperation().getFault(m.getFault().getLocalPart());
                            if (fault == null) {
                                __log.error("process " + this + " instance " + (context != null ? context.getPid() : null) + " thrown unmapped fault in p2p communication " + m.getFault() + " " + m.getFaultExplanation() + " - converted to failure");
                                pmex.replyWithFailure(MessageExchange.FailureType.OTHER, "process thrown unmapped fault in p2p communication " + m.getFault() + " " + m.getFaultExplanation() + " - converted to failure", m.getFaultResponse().getMessage());
                            } else {
                                Message faultRes = pmex.createMessage(pmex.getOperation().getFault(m.getFault().getLocalPart())
                                pmex.replyWithFault(m.getFault(), faultRes);
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            try {
                switch (m.getStatus()) {
                    case FAILURE:
                        // We can't seem to get the failure out of the myrole mex?
                        pmex.replyWithFailure(MessageExchange.FailureType.OTHER, "operation failed", null);
                    case FAULT:
                        Message faultRes = pmex.createMessage(pmex.getOperation().getFault(m.getFault().getLocalPart())
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            if (pmex.getStatus() == Status.ASYNC || pmex.getStatus() == Status.REQUEST) {
                try {
                    switch (m.getStatus()) {
                        case FAILURE:
                            // We can't seem to get the failure out of the myrole mex?
                            pmex.replyWithFailure(MessageExchange.FailureType.OTHER, "operation failed", null);
                        case FAULT:
                          Fault fault = pmex.getOperation().getFault(m.getFault().getLocalPart());
                          if (fault == null) {
                            __log.error("process " + _bpelProcess + " instance " + _iid + " thrown unmapped fault in p2p communication " + m.getFault() + " " + m.getFaultExplanation() + " - converted to failure");
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                        case FAULT:
                          Fault fault = pmex.getOperation().getFault(m.getFault().getLocalPart());
                          if (fault == null) {
                            __log.error("process " + _bpelProcess + " instance " + _iid + " thrown unmapped fault in p2p communication " + m.getFault() + " " + m.getFaultExplanation() + " - converted to failure");
                                pmex.replyWithFailure(MessageExchange.FailureType.OTHER, "process thrown unmapped fault in p2p communication " + m.getFault() + " " + m.getFaultExplanation() + " - converted to failure", m.getFaultResponse().getMessage());
                          } else {
                              Message faultRes = pmex.createMessage(pmex.getOperation().getFault(m.getFault().getLocalPart())
                              pmex.replyWithFault(m.getFault(), faultRes);
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        // ODE MEX needs to be invoked in a TX.
        try {
            _sched.execTransaction(new Callable<Void>() {
                public Void call() throws Exception {
                    PartnerRoleMessageExchange odeMex = (PartnerRoleMessageExchange) _server.getEngine().getMessageExchange(odeMexId);
                    odeMex.replyWithFailure(error, errmsg, null);
                    return null;

        } catch (Exception e) {
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                                    __log.warn("Fault response: faultType=(unkown)\n" + reply.getEnvelope().toString());
                                final SOAPFaultReason r = reply.getEnvelope().getBody().getFault().getReason();
                                SOAPFault f = reply.getEnvelope().getBody().getFault();
                                String reason = r != null ? r.getText() : "Unspecified";
                                Element details = f != null ? OMUtils.toDOM(f) : null;
                                odeMex.replyWithFailure(FailureType.OTHER, reason, details);
                        } else {
                            Message response = odeMex.createMessage(odeMex.getOperation().getOutput().getMessage().getQName());
                            _converter.parseSoapResponse(response, reply.getEnvelope(), operation);
                            if (__log.isInfoEnabled())"Response:\n" + (response.getMessage() != null ?
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                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        String errmsg = "Unable to process response: " + ex.getMessage();
                        __log.error(errmsg, ex);
                        odeMex.replyWithFailure(FailureType.OTHER, errmsg, null);
                    return null;
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        // ODE MEX needs to be invoked in a TX.
        try {
            _sched.execTransaction(new Callable<Void>() {
                public Void call() throws Exception {
                    PartnerRoleMessageExchange odeMex = (PartnerRoleMessageExchange) _server.getEngine().getMessageExchange(odeMexId);
                    odeMex.replyWithFailure(error, errmsg, null);
                    return null;

        } catch (Exception e) {
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