Finds the resource type definition associated with the given context path (defined in muse.xml), instantiates an instance of the resource class, and sets the basic values (EPR, initialization parameters, etc.) and Muse components (Environment, log file, etc.) that it needs to operate.
The Resource object returned by this method has not been initialized yet. Once the Resource.initialize() method has been called, the resource should be added to the ResourceManager with the addResource() method.
@param contextPath The context path for the resource type that is to be instantiated. This value is specified with the context-path element in muse.xml.
@return An instance of the resource class. It will have a proper EPR, all of its capabilities, and references to all of the basic Muse components (Environment, log file, etc.). Calling code may further modify the resource before calling initialize() and making it available to clients.
@throws SoapFault