Package org.apache.lucene.document

Examples of org.apache.lucene.document.Fieldable.stringValue()

          if (d.get("content3") != null) continue;
          Fieldable compressed = d.getFieldable("compressed");
          if (Integer.parseInt(d.get("id")) % 2 == 0) {
            assertEquals("incorrectly decompressed string", TEXT_TO_COMPRESS, compressed.stringValue());
          } else {
            assertTrue("incorrectly decompressed binary", Arrays.equals(BINARY_TO_COMPRESS, compressed.getBinaryValue()));
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    Document doc = reader.doc(0, fieldSelector);
    assertTrue("doc is null and it shouldn't be", doc != null);
    Fieldable field = doc.getFieldable(DocHelper.LAZY_FIELD_KEY);
    assertTrue("field is null and it shouldn't be", field != null);
    assertTrue("field is not lazy and it should be", field.isLazy());
    String value = field.stringValue();
    assertTrue("value is null and it shouldn't be", value != null);
    assertTrue(value + " is not equal to " + DocHelper.LAZY_FIELD_TEXT, value.equals(DocHelper.LAZY_FIELD_TEXT) == true);
    assertTrue("calling stringValue() twice should give same reference", field.stringValue() == field.stringValue());

    field = doc.getFieldable(DocHelper.TEXT_FIELD_1_KEY);
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    assertTrue("field is null and it shouldn't be", field != null);
    assertTrue("field is not lazy and it should be", field.isLazy());
    String value = field.stringValue();
    assertTrue("value is null and it shouldn't be", value != null);
    assertTrue(value + " is not equal to " + DocHelper.LAZY_FIELD_TEXT, value.equals(DocHelper.LAZY_FIELD_TEXT) == true);
    assertTrue("calling stringValue() twice should give same reference", field.stringValue() == field.stringValue());

    field = doc.getFieldable(DocHelper.TEXT_FIELD_1_KEY);
    assertTrue("field is null and it shouldn't be", field != null);
    assertTrue("Field is lazy and it should not be", field.isLazy() == false);
    field = doc.getFieldable(DocHelper.TEXT_FIELD_UTF1_KEY);
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    assertTrue("field is null and it shouldn't be", field != null);
    assertTrue("field is not lazy and it should be", field.isLazy());
    String value = field.stringValue();
    assertTrue("value is null and it shouldn't be", value != null);
    assertTrue(value + " is not equal to " + DocHelper.LAZY_FIELD_TEXT, value.equals(DocHelper.LAZY_FIELD_TEXT) == true);
    assertTrue("calling stringValue() twice should give same reference", field.stringValue() == field.stringValue());

    field = doc.getFieldable(DocHelper.TEXT_FIELD_1_KEY);
    assertTrue("field is null and it shouldn't be", field != null);
    assertTrue("Field is lazy and it should not be", field.isLazy() == false);
    field = doc.getFieldable(DocHelper.TEXT_FIELD_UTF1_KEY);
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    assertTrue("field is null and it shouldn't be", field != null);
    assertTrue("Field is lazy and it should not be", field.isLazy() == false);
    field = doc.getFieldable(DocHelper.TEXT_FIELD_UTF1_KEY);
    assertTrue("field is null and it shouldn't be", field != null);
    assertTrue("Field is lazy and it should not be", field.isLazy() == false);
    assertTrue(field.stringValue() + " is not equal to " + DocHelper.FIELD_UTF1_TEXT, field.stringValue().equals(DocHelper.FIELD_UTF1_TEXT) == true);

    field = doc.getFieldable(DocHelper.TEXT_FIELD_UTF2_KEY);
    assertTrue("field is null and it shouldn't be", field != null);
    assertTrue("Field is lazy and it should not be", field.isLazy() == true);
    assertTrue(field.stringValue() + " is not equal to " + DocHelper.FIELD_UTF2_TEXT, field.stringValue().equals(DocHelper.FIELD_UTF2_TEXT) == true);
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    assertTrue("field is null and it shouldn't be", field != null);
    assertTrue("Field is lazy and it should not be", field.isLazy() == false);
    field = doc.getFieldable(DocHelper.TEXT_FIELD_UTF1_KEY);
    assertTrue("field is null and it shouldn't be", field != null);
    assertTrue("Field is lazy and it should not be", field.isLazy() == false);
    assertTrue(field.stringValue() + " is not equal to " + DocHelper.FIELD_UTF1_TEXT, field.stringValue().equals(DocHelper.FIELD_UTF1_TEXT) == true);

    field = doc.getFieldable(DocHelper.TEXT_FIELD_UTF2_KEY);
    assertTrue("field is null and it shouldn't be", field != null);
    assertTrue("Field is lazy and it should not be", field.isLazy() == true);
    assertTrue(field.stringValue() + " is not equal to " + DocHelper.FIELD_UTF2_TEXT, field.stringValue().equals(DocHelper.FIELD_UTF2_TEXT) == true);
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    assertTrue(field.stringValue() + " is not equal to " + DocHelper.FIELD_UTF1_TEXT, field.stringValue().equals(DocHelper.FIELD_UTF1_TEXT) == true);

    field = doc.getFieldable(DocHelper.TEXT_FIELD_UTF2_KEY);
    assertTrue("field is null and it shouldn't be", field != null);
    assertTrue("Field is lazy and it should not be", field.isLazy() == true);
    assertTrue(field.stringValue() + " is not equal to " + DocHelper.FIELD_UTF2_TEXT, field.stringValue().equals(DocHelper.FIELD_UTF2_TEXT) == true);

    field = doc.getFieldable(DocHelper.LAZY_FIELD_BINARY_KEY);
    assertTrue("field is null and it shouldn't be", field != null);
    assertTrue("stringValue isn't null for lazy binary field", field.stringValue() == null);
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    assertTrue(field.stringValue() + " is not equal to " + DocHelper.FIELD_UTF1_TEXT, field.stringValue().equals(DocHelper.FIELD_UTF1_TEXT) == true);

    field = doc.getFieldable(DocHelper.TEXT_FIELD_UTF2_KEY);
    assertTrue("field is null and it shouldn't be", field != null);
    assertTrue("Field is lazy and it should not be", field.isLazy() == true);
    assertTrue(field.stringValue() + " is not equal to " + DocHelper.FIELD_UTF2_TEXT, field.stringValue().equals(DocHelper.FIELD_UTF2_TEXT) == true);

    field = doc.getFieldable(DocHelper.LAZY_FIELD_BINARY_KEY);
    assertTrue("field is null and it shouldn't be", field != null);
    assertTrue("stringValue isn't null for lazy binary field", field.stringValue() == null);
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    assertTrue("Field is lazy and it should not be", field.isLazy() == true);
    assertTrue(field.stringValue() + " is not equal to " + DocHelper.FIELD_UTF2_TEXT, field.stringValue().equals(DocHelper.FIELD_UTF2_TEXT) == true);

    field = doc.getFieldable(DocHelper.LAZY_FIELD_BINARY_KEY);
    assertTrue("field is null and it shouldn't be", field != null);
    assertTrue("stringValue isn't null for lazy binary field", field.stringValue() == null);

    byte [] bytes = field.getBinaryValue();
    assertTrue("bytes is null and it shouldn't be", bytes != null);
    assertTrue("", DocHelper.LAZY_FIELD_BINARY_BYTES.length == bytes.length);
    assertTrue("calling binaryValue() twice should give same reference", field.getBinaryValue() == field.getBinaryValue());
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    Document doc = reader.doc(0, fieldSelector);
    assertTrue("doc is null and it shouldn't be", doc != null);
    Fieldable field = doc.getFieldable(DocHelper.LAZY_FIELD_KEY);
    assertTrue("field is null and it shouldn't be", field != null);
    assertTrue("field is not lazy and it should be", field.isLazy());
    String value = field.stringValue();
    assertTrue("value is null and it shouldn't be", value != null);
    assertTrue(value + " is not equal to " + DocHelper.LAZY_FIELD_TEXT, value.equals(DocHelper.LAZY_FIELD_TEXT) == true);
    assertTrue("calling stringValue() twice should give different references", field.stringValue() != field.stringValue());

    field = doc.getFieldable(DocHelper.TEXT_FIELD_1_KEY);
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