Package org.apache.ivyde.common.model

Examples of org.apache.ivyde.common.model.IvyTag.addAttribute()


        // configurations
        IvyTag configurations = new IvyTag("configurations", "container for configuration elements");
        IvyTag conf = new IvyTag("conf", "declares a configuration of this module");
        conf.addAttribute(new IvyTagAttribute("name", "the name of the declared configuration",
        conf.addAttribute(new IvyTagAttribute("description",
                "a short description for the declared configuration", false));
        IvyTagAttribute visibilityTagAttribute = new IvyTagAttribute("visibility",
                "the visibility of the declared configuration.\n"
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        // configurations
        IvyTag configurations = new IvyTag("configurations", "container for configuration elements");
        IvyTag conf = new IvyTag("conf", "declares a configuration of this module");
        conf.addAttribute(new IvyTagAttribute("name", "the name of the declared configuration",
        conf.addAttribute(new IvyTagAttribute("description",
                "a short description for the declared configuration", false));
        IvyTagAttribute visibilityTagAttribute = new IvyTagAttribute("visibility",
                "the visibility of the declared configuration.\n"
                        + "'public' means that this configuration can be used by other modules, \n"
                        + "while 'private' means that this configuration is used only in the\n"
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        visibilityTagAttribute.setValueProvider(new IValueProvider() {
            public String[] getValuesfor(IvyTagAttribute att, IvyFile ivyFile) {
                return new String[] {"public", "private"};
        IvyTagAttribute confExtTagAttribute = new IvyTagAttribute("extends",
                "a comma separated list of configurations of this module \n"
                        + "that the current configuration extends", false);
        IValueProvider masterConfsValueProvider = new IValueProvider() {
            public String[] getValuesfor(IvyTagAttribute att, IvyFile ivyFile) {
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            public String[] getValuesfor(IvyTagAttribute att, IvyFile ivyFile) {
                return ((IvyModuleDescriptorFile) ivyFile).getConfigurationNames();
        IvyTagAttribute deprecatedTagAttribute = new IvyTagAttribute("deprecated",
                "indicates that this conf has been deprecated \n"
                        + "by giving the date of the deprecation. \n"
                        + "It should be given in this format: yyyyMMddHHmmss", false);
        deprecatedTagAttribute.setValueProvider(new IValueProvider() {
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        deprecatedTagAttribute.setValueProvider(new IValueProvider() {
            public String[] getValuesfor(IvyTagAttribute att, IvyFile ivyFile) {
                return new String[] {Ivy.DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date())};
        List allConf = new ArrayList();
        addTag(conf.getName(), allConf);
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        // configurations
        IvyTag publications = new IvyTag("publications",
                "container for published artifact elements");
        IvyTag artifact = new IvyTag("artifact", "declares a published artifact for this module");
        artifact.addAttribute(new IvyTagAttribute("name",
                "the name of the published artifact. This name must not include revision.", true,
        artifact.addAttribute(new IvyTagAttribute("type", "the type of the published artifact. \n"
                + "It's usually its extension, but not necessarily. \n"
                + "For instance, ivy files are of type 'ivy' but have 'xml' extension", true,
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                "container for published artifact elements");
        IvyTag artifact = new IvyTag("artifact", "declares a published artifact for this module");
        artifact.addAttribute(new IvyTagAttribute("name",
                "the name of the published artifact. This name must not include revision.", true,
        artifact.addAttribute(new IvyTagAttribute("type", "the type of the published artifact. \n"
                + "It's usually its extension, but not necessarily. \n"
                + "For instance, ivy files are of type 'ivy' but have 'xml' extension", true,
                new ListValueProvider(getDefault("type"))));
        artifact.addAttribute(new IvyTagAttribute("ext", "the extension of the published artifact",
                false, new ListValueProvider(getDefault("ext"))));
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        artifact.addAttribute(new IvyTagAttribute("type", "the type of the published artifact. \n"
                + "It's usually its extension, but not necessarily. \n"
                + "For instance, ivy files are of type 'ivy' but have 'xml' extension", true,
                new ListValueProvider(getDefault("type"))));
        artifact.addAttribute(new IvyTagAttribute("ext", "the extension of the published artifact",
                false, new ListValueProvider(getDefault("ext"))));
        artifact.addAttribute(new IvyTagAttribute("conf",
                "comma separated list of public configurations in which this artifact\n"
                        + "is published. '*' wildcard can be used to designate all public\n"
                        + "configurations of this module", false, masterConfsValueProvider));
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                + "It's usually its extension, but not necessarily. \n"
                + "For instance, ivy files are of type 'ivy' but have 'xml' extension", true,
                new ListValueProvider(getDefault("type"))));
        artifact.addAttribute(new IvyTagAttribute("ext", "the extension of the published artifact",
                false, new ListValueProvider(getDefault("ext"))));
        artifact.addAttribute(new IvyTagAttribute("conf",
                "comma separated list of public configurations in which this artifact\n"
                        + "is published. '*' wildcard can be used to designate all public\n"
                        + "configurations of this module", false, masterConfsValueProvider));
        IvyTag conf2 = new IvyTag("conf",
                "indicates a public configuration in which this artifact is published");
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                "comma separated list of public configurations in which this artifact\n"
                        + "is published. '*' wildcard can be used to designate all public\n"
                        + "configurations of this module", false, masterConfsValueProvider));
        IvyTag conf2 = new IvyTag("conf",
                "indicates a public configuration in which this artifact is published");
        conf2.addAttribute(new IvyTagAttribute("name",
                "the name of a module public configuration in which this artifact\n"
                        + "is published. '*' wildcard can be used to designate all\n"
                        + "public configurations of this module", true, masterConfValueProvider));
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