Package org.apache.geronimo.kernel

Examples of org.apache.geronimo.kernel.Kernel.invoke()

        AbstractNameQuery anq= new AbstractNameQuery("");
        Set<AbstractName> it=kernel.listGBeans(anq);
        AbstractName an = (AbstractName) it.iterator().next();
        try {
            kernel.invoke(an, "initializeKeystores");
        } catch (GBeanNotFoundException e1) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Unable to find the gbean associated with initializeKeystores");
        } catch (NoSuchOperationException e1) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Operation initializeKeystores does not exist");
        } catch (InternalKernelException e1) {
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        AbstractNameQuery anq = new AbstractNameQuery("");
        Set<AbstractName> it = kernel.listGBeans(anq);
        AbstractName an = (AbstractName) it.iterator().next();
        try {
            kernel.invoke(an, "initializeKeystores");
        } catch (GBeanNotFoundException e1) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Unable to find the gbean associated with initializeKeystores");
        } catch (NoSuchOperationException e1) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Operation initializeKeystores does not exist");
        } catch (InternalKernelException e1) {
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        throw (NameNotFoundException) new NameNotFoundException("Could not resolve name query: " + abstractNameQueries).initCause(e);

    Object entityManager;
    try {
        entityManager = kernel.invoke(target, "getEntityManager", new Object[] {Boolean.valueOf(transactionScoped), properties}, new String[] {boolean.class.getName(), Map.class.getName()});
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw (IllegalStateException) new IllegalStateException("Could not get entityManager").initCause(e);
    if (entityManager == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("entity manager not returned. Target " + target + " not started");
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            consoleReader.printString(DeployUtils.reformat("String to encrypt: "+commandArgs.getArgs()[0], 4, 72));
            DeploymentManager dm = connection.getDeploymentManager();
            if (dm instanceof RemoteDeploymentManager) {
                // Online encryption
                Kernel k = ((RemoteDeploymentManager)dm).getKernel();
                Object ret = k.invoke(ConfiguredEncryption.class, "encrypt", new Object[] {commandArgs.getArgs()[0]}, new String[] {"java.lang.String"});
                consoleReader.printString(DeployUtils.reformat("Online encryption result: "+ret, 4, 72));
            } else {
                // Offline encryption
                Object ret = EncryptionManager.encrypt(commandArgs.getArgs()[0]);
                consoleReader.printString(DeployUtils.reformat("Offline encryption result: "+ret, 4, 72));
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        Kernel kernel = getKernel();
        Object proxy;
        try {
            //TODO configid objectname might well be wrong kind of thing.
            proxy = kernel.invoke(containerName, "getHome", new Object[]{nsCorbaloc, objectName}, new String[]{URI.class.getName(), String.class.getName()});
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Could not get proxy from " + containerName, e);
            throw (IllegalStateException) new IllegalStateException("Could not get proxy").initCause(e);
        if (proxy == null) {
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        if (inVMCall) {
            oldConfigurationDir = configurationData.getConfigurationDir();
        Object[] params = new Object[] {configurationData, configurationDataFile};
        try {
            kernel.invoke(clusterConfigurationStoreName, "install", params, METHOD_SIGNATURE_INSTALL);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw (IOException) new IOException("See nested").initCause(e);
        } finally {
            if (inVMCall) {
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            nameMap.put("J2EEApplication", dataSourceAppName);
            nameMap.put("j2eeType", "JCAConnectionManager");
            Set<AbstractName> set = kernel.listGBeans(new AbstractNameQuery(null, nameMap));
            for (AbstractName name : set) {
                try {
                    dataSource = (DataSource) kernel.invoke(name, "createConnectionFactory");
                } catch (GBeanNotFoundException e) {
                    // ignore... GBean was unregistered
                } catch (NoSuchOperationException e) {
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            throw (NameNotFoundException) new NameNotFoundException("Could not resolve name query: " + abstractNameQueries).initCause(e);

        Object proxy;
        try {
            proxy = kernel.invoke(target, "$getResource");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw (IllegalStateException) new IllegalStateException("Could not get proxy").initCause(e);
        if (proxy == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Proxy not returned. Target " + target + " not started");
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        throw (NameNotFoundException) new NameNotFoundException("Could not resolve name query: " + abstractNameQueries).initCause(e);

    Object entityManagerFactory;
    try {
        entityManagerFactory = kernel.invoke(target, "getEntityManagerFactory");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw (IllegalStateException) new IllegalStateException("Could not get EntityManagerFactory").initCause(e);
    if (entityManagerFactory == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("entity manager not returned. Target " + target + " not started");
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        throw (NameNotFoundException) new NameNotFoundException("Could not resolve name query: " + abstractNameQueries).initCause(e);

    Object entityManager;
    try {
        entityManager = kernel.invoke(target, "getEntityManager", new Object[] {Boolean.valueOf(transactionScoped), properties}, new String[] {boolean.class.getName(), Map.class.getName()});
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw (IllegalStateException) new IllegalStateException("Could not get entityManager").initCause(e);
    if (entityManager == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("entity manager not returned. Target " + target + " not started");
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