Package org.apache.commons.logging

Examples of org.apache.commons.logging.Log.trace()

        Subject whoami = RequestUtils.getSubject(request);
        PageControl pcu = WebUtility.getPageControl(request, "u");
        PageControl pcg = WebUtility.getPageControl(request, "g");
        PageControl pcldap = WebUtility.getPageControl(request, "l");
        log.trace("user page control: " + pcu);
        log.trace("group page control: " + pcg);
        log.trace("ldap group page control: " + pcldap);

        //        RoleManagerLocal roleManager = LookupUtil.getRoleManager();
        //        ResourceGroupManagerLocal groupManager = LookupUtil.getResourceGroupManager();
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        PageControl pcu = WebUtility.getPageControl(request, "u");
        PageControl pcg = WebUtility.getPageControl(request, "g");
        PageControl pcldap = WebUtility.getPageControl(request, "l");
        log.trace("user page control: " + pcu);
        log.trace("group page control: " + pcg);
        log.trace("ldap group page control: " + pcldap);

        //        RoleManagerLocal roleManager = LookupUtil.getRoleManager();
        //        ResourceGroupManagerLocal groupManager = LookupUtil.getResourceGroupManager();

        // get all the role permissions
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        request.setAttribute(Constants.ROLE_PERMISSIONS_PARAM, permission_map);

        // get the subjects attached to the role
        log.trace("getting users for role [" + roleId + "]");
        //        PageList<Subject> users = roleManager.findSubjectsByRole(roleId, pcu);
        PageList<Subject> users = roleManager.findSubjectsByRole(roleId, pcu);
        request.setAttribute(Constants.ROLE_USERS_ATTR, users);

        // get the groups attached to the role
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        //        PageList<Subject> users = roleManager.findSubjectsByRole(roleId, pcu);
        PageList<Subject> users = roleManager.findSubjectsByRole(roleId, pcu);
        request.setAttribute(Constants.ROLE_USERS_ATTR, users);

        // get the groups attached to the role
        log.trace("getting resource groups for role [" + roleId + "]");
        PageList<ResourceGroup> groups = groupManager.findResourceGroupsForRole(whoami, roleId, pcg);
        request.setAttribute(Constants.ROLE_RESGRPS_ATTR, groups);
        if (groups == null) {
            request.setAttribute(Constants.NUM_RESGRPS_ATTR, new Integer(0));
        } else {
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        PageControl pca = WebUtility.getPageControl(request, "a");
        PageControl pcp = WebUtility.getPageControl(request, "p");

        log.trace("available page control: " + pca);
        log.trace("pending page control: " + pcp);
        log.trace("getting user [" + userId + "]");

        SubjectManagerLocal subjectManager = LookupUtil.getSubjectManager();
        RoleManagerLocal roleManager = LookupUtil.getRoleManager();
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        PageControl pca = WebUtility.getPageControl(request, "a");
        PageControl pcp = WebUtility.getPageControl(request, "p");

        log.trace("available page control: " + pca);
        log.trace("pending page control: " + pcp);
        log.trace("getting user [" + userId + "]");

        SubjectManagerLocal subjectManager = LookupUtil.getSubjectManager();
        RoleManagerLocal roleManager = LookupUtil.getRoleManager();
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        PageControl pca = WebUtility.getPageControl(request, "a");
        PageControl pcp = WebUtility.getPageControl(request, "p");

        log.trace("available page control: " + pca);
        log.trace("pending page control: " + pcp);
        log.trace("getting user [" + userId + "]");

        SubjectManagerLocal subjectManager = LookupUtil.getSubjectManager();
        RoleManagerLocal roleManager = LookupUtil.getRoleManager();

        Subject user = subjectManager.getSubjectById(userId);
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        /* pending roles are those on the right side of the "add
         * to list" widget- awaiting association with the userwhen the form's "ok" button is clicked. */
        Integer[] pendingRoleIds = SessionUtils.getList(request.getSession(), Constants.PENDING_ROLES_SES_ATTR);

        log.trace("getting pending roles for user [" + userId + "]");
        PageList<Role> pendingRoles = roleManager.findRolesByIds(pendingRoleIds, pcp);
        request.setAttribute(Constants.PENDING_ROLES_ATTR, pendingRoles);

         * available roles are all roles in the system that are not associated with the user and are not pending
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        request.setAttribute(Constants.PENDING_ROLES_ATTR, pendingRoles);

         * available roles are all roles in the system that are not associated with the user and are not pending
        log.trace("getting available roles for user [" + userId + "]");
        PageList<Role> availableRoles = roleManager.findAvailableRolesForSubject(RequestUtils.getSubject(request),
            userId, pendingRoleIds, pca);
        request.setAttribute(Constants.AVAIL_ROLES_ATTR, availableRoles);

        return null;
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        PageList<Map<String, String>> availableGroups = new PageList<Map<String, String>>(availableGroupsSet, 0, pca);
        /* pending groups are those on the right side of the "add
         * to list" widget- awaiting association with the role when the form's "ok" button is clicked. */
        pendingGroupIds = SessionUtils.getListAsListStr(request.getSession(), Constants.PENDING_RESGRPS_SES_ATTR);

        log.trace("getting pending groups for role [" + roleId + ")");
        String name = "foo";

        try { //defend against ldap communication runtime difficulties.

            if (cachedAvailableLdapGroups == null) {
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