Examples of order()

Examples of java.nio.IntBuffer.order()

      IntBuffer pixelBuffer = pixmap.getPixels().asIntBuffer();
      int[] pixelsRGBA = new int[pixelBuffer.capacity()];
      int[] pixelsARGBflipped = new int[pixelBuffer.capacity()];
      int pixel;
      if (pixelBuffer.order() == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) {
        for (int y = 0; y < pixmap.getHeight(); ++y) {
          for (int x = 0; x < pixmap.getWidth(); ++x) {
            pixel = pixelsRGBA[x + (y * pixmap.getWidth())];
            pixelsARGBflipped[x + ((pixmap.getHeight() - 1 - y) * pixmap.getWidth())] = ((pixel >> 8) & 0x00FFFFFF) | ((pixel << 24) & 0xFF000000);

Examples of java.nio.LongBuffer.order()

        assertNotSame(buf, readonly);
        assertEquals(buf.position(), readonly.position());
        assertEquals(buf.limit(), readonly.limit());
        assertEquals(buf.isDirect(), readonly.isDirect());
        assertEquals(buf.order(), readonly.order());
        assertContentEquals(buf, readonly);

        // readonly's position, mark, and limit should be independent to buf
        assertEquals(readonly.position(), 0);

Examples of java.nio.MappedByteBuffer.order()

                throw new IllegalStateException("map failed for page#" + page + " of file: "
                        + _filepath, ioe);
        if(_setAsLittleEndian) {// BIG_ENDIAN by the default
        return buf;

    public int[] transferBuffer(final long pageOffset, final int aryLength) {

Examples of java.nio.ShortBuffer.order()

        assertNotSame(buf, readonly);
        assertEquals(buf.position(), readonly.position());
        assertEquals(buf.limit(), readonly.limit());
        assertEquals(buf.isDirect(), readonly.isDirect());
        assertEquals(buf.order(), readonly.order());
        assertContentEquals(buf, readonly);

        // readonly's position, mark, and limit should be independent to buf
        assertEquals(readonly.position(), 0);

Examples of jodd.petite.meta.PetiteInitMethod.order()

      if (method.getParameterTypes().length > 0) {
        throw new PetiteException("Arguments are not allowed for Petite init method: " + type.getName() + '#' + method.getName());
      int order = petiteInitMethod.order();
      list.add(new InitMethodPoint(method, order, petiteInitMethod.invoke()));

    InitMethodPoint[] methods;

Examples of loci.common.RandomAccessInputStream.order()

    tiffParser = new TiffParser(in);
    IFD ifd = tiffParser.getFirstIFD();
    RandomAccessInputStream ras = getCZTag(ifd);
    if (ras == null) return 1;

    dimensionP = ras.readInt();
    dimensionM = ras.readInt();

Examples of net.rubyeye.xmemcached.buffer.IoBuffer.order()


  public void testAllocate() {
    IoBuffer buffer = this.allocator.allocate(64);
    assertEquals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN, buffer.order());

    assertEquals(64, buffer.capacity());
    assertEquals(0, buffer.position());
    assertEquals(64, buffer.limit());

Examples of ninja.lifecycle.Dispose.order()

        // we also verify that the annotation is ok
        Method method = JpaInitializer.class.getMethod("stop");
        Dispose dispose = method.getAnnotation(Dispose.class);
        assertEquals(10, dispose.order());


Examples of ninja.lifecycle.Start.order()

        // we also verify that the annotation is ok
        Method method = JpaInitializer.class.getMethod("start");
        Start start = method.getAnnotation(Start.class);
        assertEquals(10, start.order());
    public void testStop() throws Exception {

Examples of org.apache.avro.Schema.Field.order()

      SpecificRecord r1 = (SpecificRecord)o1;
      SpecificRecord r2 = (SpecificRecord)o2;
      Iterator<Field> fields = s.getFields().values().iterator();
      for (int i = 0; fields.hasNext(); i++) {
        Field f = fields.next();
        if (f.order() == Field.Order.IGNORE)
          continue;                               // ignore this field
        int compare = compare(r1.get(i), r2.get(i), f.schema());
        if (compare != 0)                         // not equal
          return f.order() == Field.Order.DESCENDING ? -compare : compare;
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