The way that starting and stopping keys and operators are used may best be described by example. Say there's an ordered conglomerate with two columns, where the 0-th column is named 'x', and the 1st column is named 'y'. The values of the columns are as follows:
x: 1 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 9 y: 1 1 2 4 6 2 4 6 1 1 1
A {start key, search op} pair of {{5.2}, GE} would position on {x=5, y=2}, whereas the pair {{5}, GT} would position on {x=6, y=1}.
Partial keys are used to implement partial key scans in SQL. For example, the SQL "select * from t where x = 5" would open a scan on the conglomerate (or a useful index) of t using a starting position partial key of {{5}, GE} and a stopping position partial key of {{5}, GT}.
Some more examples:
+-------------------+------------+-----------+--------------+--------------+ | predicate | start key | stop key | rows | rows locked | | | value | op | value |op | returned |serialization | +-------------------+-------+----+-------+---+--------------+--------------+ | x = 5 | {5} | GE | {5} |GT |{5,2} .. {5,6}|{4,6} .. {5,6}| | x > 5 | {5} | GT | null | |{6,1} .. {9,1}|{5,6} .. {9,1}| | x >= 5 | {5} | GE | null | |{5,2} .. {9,1}|{4,6} .. {9,1}| | x <= 5 | null | | {5} |GT |{1,1} .. {5,6}|first .. {5,6}| | x < 5 | null | | {5} |GE |{1,1} .. {4,6}|first .. {4,6}| | x >= 5 and x <= 7 | {5}, | GE | {7} |GT |{5,2} .. {7,1}|{4,6} .. {7,1}| | x = 5 and y > 2 | {5,2} | GT | {5} |GT |{5,4} .. {5,6}|{5,2} .. {5,6}| | x = 5 and y >= 2 | {5,2} | GE | {5} |GT |{5,2} .. {5,6}|{4,6} .. {5,6}| | x = 5 and y < 5 | {5} | GE | {5,5} |GE |{5,2} .. {5,4}|{4,6} .. {5,4}| | x = 2 | {2} | GE | {2} |GT | none |{1,1} .. {1,1}| +-------------------+-------+----+-------+---+--------------+--------------+
As the above table implies, the underlying scan may lock more rows than it returns in order to guarantee serialization.
For each row which meets the start and stop position, as described above the row is "qualified" to see whether it should be returned. The qualification is a 2 dimensional array of @see Qualifiers, which represents the qualification in conjunctive normal form (CNF). Conjunctive normal form is an "and'd" set of "or'd" Qualifiers.
For example x = 5 would be represented is pseudo code as: qualifier_cnf[][] = new Qualifier[1]; qualifier_cnf[0] = new Qualifier[1]; qualifier_cnr[0][0] = new Qualifer(x = 5)
For example (x = 5) or (y = 6) would be represented is pseudo code as: qualifier_cnf[][] = new Qualifier[1]; qualifier_cnf[0] = new Qualifier[2]; qualifier_cnr[0][0] = new Qualifer(x = 5) qualifier_cnr[0][1] = new Qualifer(y = 6)
For example ((x = 5) or (x = 6)) and ((y = 1) or (y = 2)) would be represented is pseudo code as: qualifier_cnf[][] = new Qualifier[2]; qualifier_cnf[0] = new Qualifier[2]; qualifier_cnr[0][0] = new Qualifer(x = 5) qualifier_cnr[0][1] = new Qualifer(x = 6) qualifier_cnr[0][0] = new Qualifer(y = 5) qualifier_cnr[0][1] = new Qualifer(y = 6)
For each row the CNF qualfier is processed and it is determined whether or not the row should be returned to the caller. The following pseudo-code describes how this is done:
} @param conglomId The identifier of the conglomerateto open the scan for. @param hold If true, this scan will be maintained open overcommits. @param open_mode Specifiy flags to control opening of table. OPENMODE_FORUPDATE - if set open the table for update otherwise open table shared. @param lock_level One of (MODE_TABLE, MODE_RECORD). @param isolation_level The isolation level to lock the conglomerate at.One of (ISOLATION_READ_COMMITTED, ISOLATION_REPEATABLE_READ or ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE). @param scanColumnList A description of which columns to return from every fetch in the scan. template, and scanColumnList work together to describe the row to be returned by the scan - see RowUtil for description of how these three parameters work together to describe a "row". @param startKeyValue An indexable row which holds a (partial) key value which, in combination with the startSearchOperator, defines the starting position of the scan. If null, the starting position of the scan is the first row of the conglomerate. The startKeyValue must only reference columns included in the scanColumnList. @param startSearchOperator an operator which defineshow the startKeyValue is to be searched for. If startSearchOperation is ScanController.GE, the scan starts on the first row which is greater than or equal to the startKeyValue. If startSearchOperation is ScanController.GT, the scan starts on the first row whose key is greater than startKeyValue. The startSearchOperation parameter is ignored if the startKeyValue parameter is null. @param qualifier A 2 dimensional array encoding a conjunctive normalform (CNF) datastructure of of qualifiers which, applied to each key, restrict the rows returned by the scan. Rows for which the CNF expression returns false are not returned by the scan. If null, all rows are returned. Qualifiers can only reference columns which are included in the scanColumnList. The column id that a qualifier returns is the column id the table, not the column id in the partial row being returned. For detailed description of 2-dimensional array passing @see Qualifier @param stopKeyValue An indexable row which holds a (partial) key value which, in combination with the stopSearchOperator, defines the ending position of the scan. If null, the ending position of the scan is the last row of the conglomerate. The stopKeyValue must only reference columns included in the scanColumnList. @param stopSearchOperator an operator which defineshow the stopKeyValue is used to determine the scan stopping position. If stopSearchOperation is ScanController.GE, the scan stops just before the first row which is greater than or equal to the stopKeyValue. If stopSearchOperation is ScanController.GT, the scan stops just before the first row whose key is greater than startKeyValue. The stopSearchOperation parameter is ignored if the stopKeyValue parameter is null. @exception StandardException if the scan could not beopened for some reason. Throws SQLState.STORE_CONGLOMERATE_DOES_NOT_EXIST if the conglomId being requested does not exist for some reason (ie. someone has dropped it). @see RowUtil @see ScanControllerif (qualifier != null) {}for (int and_clause; and_clause < qualifier.length; and_clause++) { boolean or_qualifies = false; for (int or_clause; or_clause < qualifier[and_clause].length; or_clause++) {}DataValueDescriptor key = qualifier[and_clause][or_clause].getOrderable(); DataValueDescriptor row_col = get row column[qualifier[and_clause][or_clause].getColumnId()]; boolean or_qualifies =[i].getOperator,if (or_qualifies) { break; } } if (!or_qualifies) {key, qualifier[i].getOrderedNulls, qualifier[i].getUnknownRV);don't return this row to the client - proceed to next row;