Examples of openHistoryDocExtraPane()

Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.framework.elements.ViewPage.openHistoryDocExtraPane()

        ViewPage importedPage = this.sectionPage.clickImportedPage("Main.TestPage");

        // Since the page by default opens the comments pane, if we instantly click on the history, the two tabs
        // will race for completion. Let's wait for comments first.
        HistoryTab history = importedPage.openHistoryDocExtraPane();

        Assert.assertEquals("4.1", history.getCurrentVersion());
        Assert.assertEquals("Imported from XAR", history.getCurrentVersionComment());
        Assert.assertTrue(history.hasVersionWithSummary("A new version of the document"));
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Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.framework.elements.ViewPage.openHistoryDocExtraPane()

        ViewPage importedPage = this.sectionPage.clickImportedPage("Main.TestPage");

        // Since the page by default opens the comments pane, if we instantly click on the history, the two tabs
        // will race for completion. Let's wait for comments first.
        HistoryTab history = importedPage.openHistoryDocExtraPane();

        Assert.assertEquals("1.1", history.getCurrentVersion());
        Assert.assertEquals("Imported from XAR", history.getCurrentVersionComment());
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Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.framework.elements.ViewPage.openHistoryDocExtraPane()

        ViewPage importedPage = this.sectionPage.clickImportedPage("Main.TestPage");

        // Since the page by default opens the comments pane, if we instantly click on the history, the two tabs
        // will race for completion. Let's wait for comments first.
        HistoryTab history = importedPage.openHistoryDocExtraPane();

        Assert.assertEquals("JohnDoe", history.getCurrentAuthor());

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Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.framework.elements.ViewPage.openHistoryDocExtraPane()

        ViewPage importedPage = this.sectionPage.clickImportedPage("Main.TestPage");

        // Since the page by default opens the comments pane, if we instantly click on the history, the two tabs
        // will race for completion. Let's wait for comments first.
        HistoryTab history = importedPage.openHistoryDocExtraPane();

        Assert.assertEquals("Administrator", history.getCurrentAuthor());
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Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.framework.elements.ViewPage.openHistoryDocExtraPane()

        // TODO: Remove when XWIKI-6688 (Possible race condition when clicking on a tab at the bottom of a page in
        // view mode) is fixed.

        // Verify that we can rollback to the first version
        HistoryTab historyTab = vp.openHistoryDocExtraPane();
        vp = historyTab.rollbackToVersion("1.1");

        // Rollback doesn't wait...
        // Wait for the comment tab to be selected since we're currently on the history tab and rolling
        // back is going to load a new page and make the focus active on the comments tab.
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Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.framework.elements.ViewPage.openHistoryDocExtraPane()

        // back is going to load a new page and make the focus active on the comments tab.

        Assert.assertEquals("First version of Content", vp.getContent());

        historyTab = vp.openHistoryDocExtraPane();
        Assert.assertEquals("Rollback to version 1.1", historyTab.getCurrentVersionComment());
        Assert.assertEquals("Administrator", historyTab.getCurrentAuthor());
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Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.ViewPage.openHistoryDocExtraPane()

        // Check the page title and content.
        assertEquals("A story", page.getDocumentTitle());
        assertEquals("Once upon a time..", page.getContent());

        // Check document version/history.
        HistoryPane historyPane = page.openHistoryDocExtraPane();
        assertEquals("3.1", historyPane.getCurrentVersion());
        assertEquals("Restored from recycle bin", historyPane.getCurrentVersionComment());

        // Check the attachment.
        AttachmentsPane attachmentsPane = page.openAttachmentsDocExtraPane();
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Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.ViewPage.openHistoryDocExtraPane()

        // TODO: Remove when XWIKI-6688 (Possible race condition when clicking on a tab at the bottom of a page in
        // view mode) is fixed.

        // Verify that we can rollback to the first version
        HistoryPane historyTab = vp.openHistoryDocExtraPane();
        vp = historyTab.rollbackToVersion("1.1");

        // Rollback doesn't wait...
        // Wait for the comment tab to be selected since we're currently on the history tab and rolling
        // back is going to load a new page and make the focus active on the comments tab.
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Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.ViewPage.openHistoryDocExtraPane()

        // back is going to load a new page and make the focus active on the comments tab.

        Assert.assertEquals("First version of Content", vp.getContent());

        historyTab = vp.openHistoryDocExtraPane();
        Assert.assertEquals("Rollback to version 1.1", historyTab.getCurrentVersionComment());
        Assert.assertEquals("Administrator", historyTab.getCurrentAuthor());

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Examples of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.ViewPage.openHistoryDocExtraPane()

        // TODO: Remove when XWIKI-6688 (Possible race condition when clicking on a tab at the bottom of a page in
        // view mode) is fixed.

        // Verify and delete the latest version.
        HistoryPane historyTab = vp.openHistoryDocExtraPane();
        Assert.assertEquals("2.1", historyTab.getCurrentVersion());
        historyTab = historyTab.deleteVersion("2.1");

        // Verify that the current version is now the previous one.
        Assert.assertEquals("1.1", historyTab.getCurrentVersion());
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