The lock level indicates the minimum lock level to get locks at, the underlying conglomerate implementation may actually lock at a higher level (ie. caller may request MODE_RECORD, but the table may be locked at MODE_TABLE instead).
The close method is on the ConglomerateController interface. @return a ConglomerateController to manipulate the conglomerate. @param conglomId The identifier of the conglomerate to open. @param hold If true, will be maintained open over commits. @param open_mode Specifiy flags to control opening of table. OPENMODE_FORUPDATE - if set open the table for update otherwise open table shared. @param lock_level One of (MODE_TABLE, MODE_RECORD). @param isolation_level The isolation level to lock the conglomerate at.One of (ISOLATION_READ_COMMITTED, ISOLATION_REPEATABLE_READ or ISOLATION_SERIALIZABLE). @exception StandardException if the conglomerate could not be opened for some reason. Throws SQLState.STORE_CONGLOMERATE_DOES_NOT_EXIST if the conglomId being requested does not exist for some reason (ie. someone has dropped it).