Examples of ojbIterator()

Examples of org.apache.ojb.broker.ManageableCollection.ojbIterator()

        String sql = "select allArticles from " + PerformanceArticle.class.getName()
                + " where articleId between " + new Integer(offsetId) + " and "
                + new Integer(offsetId + articleCount);
        ManageableCollection collection = (ManageableCollection) query.execute();
        Iterator iter = collection.ojbIterator();
        int fetchCount = 0;
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Examples of org.apache.ojb.broker.ManageableCollection.ojbIterator()

        query.bind(new Integer(20)); // effValue2 <= $4
        query.bind(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis() + 5000)); // a while from now (effValue3<$5)
        query.bind(new Integer(5)); // version.contract.relatedToContract.relatedValue2=$6

        ManageableCollection all = (ManageableCollection) query.execute();
        java.util.Iterator it = all.ojbIterator();
         * make sure we got
        int i = 0;
        while (it.hasNext())
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Examples of org.apache.ojb.broker.ManageableCollection.ojbIterator()

        query.bind(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis() - 5000)); // a while ago (effValue3 > $3)
        query.bind(new Integer(20)); // effValue2 <= $4
        query.bind(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis() + 5000)); // a while from now (effValue3<$5)

        ManageableCollection all = (ManageableCollection) query.execute();
        java.util.Iterator it = all.ojbIterator();
         * make sure we got
        int i = 0;
        while (it.hasNext())
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Examples of org.apache.ojb.broker.ManageableCollection.ojbIterator()

        OQLQuery query = odmg.newOQLQuery();
        int i = 0;
        query.create("select effectiveness from " + Effectiveness.class.getName() + " where version.versionValue1=$1");
        ManageableCollection all = (ManageableCollection) query.execute();
        java.util.Iterator it = all.ojbIterator();
        Effectiveness temp = null;
        while (it.hasNext())
            temp = (Effectiveness) it.next();
            if (!temp.getVersion().getVersionValue1().equals("versionvalue1"))
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Examples of org.apache.ojb.broker.ManageableCollection.ojbIterator()

        createData(database, odmg);
        OQLQuery query = odmg.newOQLQuery();
        query.create("select effectiveness.version from " + Effectiveness.class.getName() + " where is_defined(effectiveness.version.versionValue1)");
        ManageableCollection all = (ManageableCollection) query.execute();
        java.util.Iterator it = all.ojbIterator();
        while (it.hasNext())
            assertTrue("Selected item is Version", (it.next() instanceof Version));
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Examples of org.apache.ojb.broker.ManageableCollection.ojbIterator()

            assertTrue("Selected item is Version", (it.next() instanceof Version));

        query.create("select effectiveness.version.contract from " + Effectiveness.class.getName() + " where is_defined(effectiveness.version.versionValue1)");
        all = (ManageableCollection) query.execute();
        it = all.ojbIterator();
        while (it.hasNext())
            assertTrue("Selected item is Contract", (it.next() instanceof Contract));
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Examples of org.apache.ojb.broker.ManageableCollection.ojbIterator()

        OQLQuery query = odmg.newOQLQuery();
        int i = 0;
        query.create("select effectiveness from " + Effectiveness.class.getName() + " where version.contract.contractValue1=$1");
        ManageableCollection all = (ManageableCollection) query.execute();
        java.util.Iterator it = all.ojbIterator();
        Effectiveness temp = null;
        while (it.hasNext())
            temp = (Effectiveness) it.next();
            if (!temp.getVersion().getContract().getContractValue1().equals("contractvalue1"))
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Examples of org.apache.ojb.broker.ManageableCollection.ojbIterator()

        createData(database, odmg);
        OQLQuery query = odmg.newOQLQuery();
        int i = 0;
        query.create("select effectiveness from " + Effectiveness.class.getName());
        ManageableCollection all = (ManageableCollection) query.execute();
        java.util.Iterator it = all.ojbIterator();
        while (it.hasNext())
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Examples of org.apache.ojb.broker.ManageableCollection.ojbIterator()

         * try doing this as part of one transaction, ODMG should figure out
         * which order to delete in.
        all = (ManageableCollection) query.execute();
        // Iterator over the restricted articles objects
        it = all.ojbIterator();
        Effectiveness eff = null;
        Version ver = null;
        Contract contract = null;
        while (it.hasNext())
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Examples of org.apache.ojb.broker.ManageableCollection.ojbIterator()

         * run query again, should get 0 results.
        query.create("select contracts from " + org.apache.ojb.broker.Contract.class.getName());
        ManageableCollection allContracts = (ManageableCollection) query.execute();
        allContracts = (ManageableCollection) query.execute();
        it = allContracts.ojbIterator();
        if (it.hasNext())
            fail("all contracts should have been removed, we found one.");
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