OGCGeometry g = OGCGeometry
.fromText("MULTIPOLYGON(((-10 -10, 10 -10, 10 10, -10 10, -10 -10), (-5 -5, -5 5, 5 5, 5 -5, -5 -5)), ((90 90, 110 90, 110 110, 90 110, 90 90), (95 95, 95 105, 105 105, 105 95, 95 95)))");
assertTrue(g.geometryType().equals("MultiPolygon")); // the type is
OGCMultiPolygon mp = (OGCMultiPolygon)g;
assertTrue(mp.numGeometries() == 2);
OGCGeometry p1 = mp.geometryN(0);
assertTrue(p1.geometryType().equals("Polygon")); // the type is
assertTrue(p1.contains(OGCGeometry.fromText("POINT(9 9)")));
assertTrue(!p1.contains(OGCGeometry.fromText("POINT(109 109)")));
OGCGeometry p2 = mp.geometryN(1);