Examples of neverUseForRealSetUid()

Examples of org.apache.pig.experimental.logical.expression.ProjectExpression.neverUseForRealSetUid()

          cschema.getField(1).uid = 2;
          cschema.getField(2).uid = 3;
          cschema.getField(3).uid = 4;
          LogicalExpressionPlan aprojplan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
          ProjectExpression x = new ProjectExpression(aprojplan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 0);
          LogicalExpressionPlan bprojplan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
          ProjectExpression y = new ProjectExpression(bprojplan, DataType.INTEGER, 1, 0);
          MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan> mm =
              new MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan>();
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Examples of org.apache.pig.experimental.logical.expression.ProjectExpression.neverUseForRealSetUid()

          LogicalExpressionPlan aprojplan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
          ProjectExpression x = new ProjectExpression(aprojplan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 0);
          LogicalExpressionPlan bprojplan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
          ProjectExpression y = new ProjectExpression(bprojplan, DataType.INTEGER, 1, 0);
          MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan> mm =
              new MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan>();
          mm.put(0, aprojplan);
          mm.put(1, bprojplan);
          LOJoin C = new LOJoin(lp, mm, JOINTYPE.HASH, new boolean[] {true, true});
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Examples of org.apache.pig.experimental.logical.expression.ProjectExpression.neverUseForRealSetUid()

          lp.connect(B, C);
          // D = filter
          LogicalExpressionPlan filterPlan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
          ProjectExpression fx = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 0);
          ConstantExpression fc0 = new ConstantExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, new Integer(0));
          EqualExpression eq1 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fx, fc0);
          ProjectExpression fanotherx = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 0);
          ProjectExpression fa = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 2);
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Examples of org.apache.pig.experimental.logical.expression.ProjectExpression.neverUseForRealSetUid()

            "y", null, DataType.INTEGER));
        cschema.getField(0).uid = 1;
        cschema.getField(1).uid = 2;
        LogicalExpressionPlan aprojplan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
        ProjectExpression x = new ProjectExpression(aprojplan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 0);
        LogicalExpressionPlan bprojplan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
        ProjectExpression y = new ProjectExpression(bprojplan, DataType.INTEGER, 1, 0);
        MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan> mm =
            new MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan>();
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Examples of org.apache.pig.experimental.logical.expression.ProjectExpression.neverUseForRealSetUid()

        LogicalExpressionPlan aprojplan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
        ProjectExpression x = new ProjectExpression(aprojplan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 0);
        LogicalExpressionPlan bprojplan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
        ProjectExpression y = new ProjectExpression(bprojplan, DataType.INTEGER, 1, 0);
        MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan> mm =
            new MultiMap<Integer, LogicalExpressionPlan>();
        mm.put(0, aprojplan);
        mm.put(1, bprojplan);
        LOJoin C = new LOJoin(lp, mm, JOINTYPE.HASH, new boolean[] {true, true});
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Examples of org.apache.pig.experimental.logical.expression.ProjectExpression.neverUseForRealSetUid()

        // Don't add it to the plan quite yet
        // D = filter
        LogicalExpressionPlan filterPlan = new LogicalExpressionPlan();
        ProjectExpression fy = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 1);
        ConstantExpression fc = new ConstantExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, new Integer(0));
        new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fy, fc);
        LOFilter D = new LOFilter(lp, filterPlan);
        // Connect D to B, since the transform has happened.
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Examples of org.apache.pig.experimental.logical.expression.ProjectExpression.neverUseForRealSetUid()

          ProjectExpression fx = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 0);
          ConstantExpression fc0 = new ConstantExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, new Integer(0));
          EqualExpression eq1 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fx, fc0);
          ProjectExpression fanotherx = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 0);
          ProjectExpression fa = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 2);
          EqualExpression eq2 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fanotherx, fa);
          AndExpression and1 = new AndExpression(filterPlan, eq1, eq2);
          ProjectExpression fb = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 3);
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Examples of org.apache.pig.experimental.logical.expression.ProjectExpression.neverUseForRealSetUid()

          ConstantExpression fc0 = new ConstantExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, new Integer(0));
          EqualExpression eq1 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fx, fc0);
          ProjectExpression fanotherx = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 0);
          ProjectExpression fa = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 2);
          EqualExpression eq2 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fanotherx, fa);
          AndExpression and1 = new AndExpression(filterPlan, eq1, eq2);
          ProjectExpression fb = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 3);
          ConstantExpression fc1 = new ConstantExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, new Integer(1));
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Examples of org.apache.pig.experimental.logical.expression.ProjectExpression.neverUseForRealSetUid()

          ProjectExpression fa = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 2);
          EqualExpression eq2 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fanotherx, fa);
          AndExpression and1 = new AndExpression(filterPlan, eq1, eq2);
          ProjectExpression fb = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 3);
          ConstantExpression fc1 = new ConstantExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, new Integer(1));
          EqualExpression eq3 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fb, fc1);
          AndExpression and2 = new AndExpression(filterPlan, and1, eq3);
          ProjectExpression fanotherb = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 3);
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Examples of org.apache.pig.experimental.logical.expression.ProjectExpression.neverUseForRealSetUid()

          ConstantExpression fc1 = new ConstantExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, new Integer(1));
          EqualExpression eq3 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fb, fc1);
          AndExpression and2 = new AndExpression(filterPlan, and1, eq3);
          ProjectExpression fanotherb = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 3);
          ProjectExpression fy = new ProjectExpression(filterPlan, DataType.INTEGER, 0, 1);
          EqualExpression eq4 = new EqualExpression(filterPlan, fy, fanotherb);
          new AndExpression(filterPlan, and2, eq4);
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