Examples of namedValues()

Examples of org.eclipse.sapphire.modeling.annotations.NamedValues.namedValues()

        final int baseIndent = part.getMarginLeft();
        this.rootComposite.setLayoutData( gdvindent( gdhindent( gdhspan( gdhfill(), 2 ), baseIndent ), 5 ) );
        final NamedValues namedValuesAnnotation = property.getAnnotation( NamedValues.class );
        final NamedValue[] namedValueAnnotations = namedValuesAnnotation.namedValues();
        this.namedValues = new NamedValueLocal[ namedValueAnnotations.length ];
        for( int i = 0, n = namedValueAnnotations.length; i < n; i++ )
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Examples of org.glassfish.appclient.client.acc.AgentArguments.namedValues()

         * pass to the ACC are the ones with the "arg=" keyword prefix.  These
         * will include arguments with meaning to the ACC (-textauth for example)
         * as well as arguments to be passed on to the client's main method.
        appClientCommandArgs = AppclientCommandArguments

        if (appClientCommandArgs.isUsage()) {
        } else if (appClientCommandArgs.isHelp()) {
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Examples of org.glassfish.appclient.client.acc.AgentArguments.namedValues()

         * pass to the ACC are the ones with the "arg=" keyword prefix.  These
         * will include arguments with meaning to the ACC (-textauth for example)
         * as well as arguments to be passed on to the client's main method.
        appClientCommandArgs = AppclientCommandArguments

        if (appClientCommandArgs.isUsage()) {
        } else if (appClientCommandArgs.isHelp()) {
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Examples of org.glassfish.appclient.client.acc.AgentArguments.namedValues()

         * pass to the ACC are the ones with the "arg=" keyword prefix.  These
         * will include arguments with meaning to the ACC (-textauth for example)
         * as well as arguments to be passed on to the client's main method.
        appClientCommandArgs = AppclientCommandArguments

        if (appClientCommandArgs.isUsage()) {
        } else if (appClientCommandArgs.isHelp()) {
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