Applies the list of mutate operations.
Conditions for adding an ad-level AdExtension override using an AdExtension under the Ad's campaign:
- If the text ad has never been overridden, an AdExtension override may be set on the creative using an extension under the campaign, along with any override info.
- If the text ad has been overriden before, the latitude/longitude of the new extension override must be the same as the previous override and no override info can be specified (i.e. the override info will inherit from the previous override info).
@param operations The operations to apply. The same ad extension overridecannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The applied ad extension overrides.
Applies the list of mutate operations (ie. add, set, remove):
Add - Creates a new {@linkplain AdGroupAd ad group ad}. The {@code adGroupId} mustreference an existing ad group. The child {@code Ad} mustbe sufficiently specified by constructing a concrete ad type (such as {@code TextAd}) and setting its fields accordingly.
Set - Updates an ad group ad. Except for {@code status}, ad group ad fields are not mutable. Status updates are straightforward - the status of the ad group ad is updated as specified. If any other field has changed, it will be ignored. If you want to change any of the fields other than status, you must make a new ad and then delete the old one.
Remove - Removes the link between the specified AdGroup and Ad.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return A list of AdGroupAds where each entry in the list is the resultof applying the operation in the input list with the same index. For an add/set operation, the return AdGroupAd will be what is saved to the db. In the case of the remove operation, the return AdGroupAd will simply be an AdGroupAd containing an Ad with the id set to the Ad being deleted from the AdGroup.
Adds, removes or updates ad group bid modifier overrides.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The added ad group bid modifier overrides.
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request.
Adds, removes or updates adgroup criteria.
@param operations operations to doduring checks on keywords to be added.
@return added and updated adgroup criteria (without optional parts)
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request
Adds, updates, or deletes ad groups.
Note: {@link AdGroupOperation} doesnot support the {@code REMOVE} operator. To delete an ad group, set its{@link AdGroup#status status} to {@code DELETED}.
@param operations List of unique operations. The same ad group cannotbe specified in more than one operation.
@return The updated adgroups.
Sets and removes ad parameters.
Note: {@code ADD} is not supported.Use {@code SET}for new ad parameters.
- {@code SET}: Creates or updates an ad parameter, setting the new parameterized value for the given ad group / keyword pair.
- {@code REMOVE}: Removes an ad parameter. The
specified in the ad text will be used.
@param operations The operations to perform.
@return A list of ad parameters, where each entry in the list is theresult of applying the operation in the input list with the same index. For a {@code SET} operation, the returned ad parameter will containthe updated values. For a {@code REMOVE} operation, the returnedad parameter will simply be the ad parameter that was removed.
Applies the list of mutate operations.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The modified list of Budgets, returned in the same order asoperations
@throws ApiException
Applies the list of mutate operations.
@param operations The operations to apply. The same {@link CampaignAdExtension}cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The changed {@link CampaignAdExtension}s.
Adds, removes or updates campaign criteria.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The added campaign criteria (without any optional parts).
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request.
Adds, sets or removes CampaignFeeds.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting Feeds.
@throws ApiException Indicates a problem with the request.
Adds, updates, or deletes campaigns.
Note: {@link CampaignOperation} doesnot support the REMOVE
operator. To delete a campaign, set its {@link Campaign#status status} to DELETED
@param operations A list of unique operations.The same campaign cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The list of updated campaigns, returned in the same orderas the
@throws ApiException if problems occurred while updating campaigninformation.
Applies the list of mutate operations such as adding or updating conversion trackers.
Note: {@link ConversionTrackerOperation}does not support the REMOVE
operator. In order to 'disable' a conversion type, send a SET
operation for the conversion tracker with the status
property set to DISABLED
@param operations A list of mutate operations to perform.
@return The list of the conversion trackers as they appear after mutation,in the same order as they appeared in the list of operations.
@throws com.google.ads.api.services.common.error.ApiException if problemsoccurred while updating the data.
Mutates (add, update or remove) experiments. Note: To REMOVE use SET and mark status to DELETED.
@param operations A list of unique operations.The same experiment cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The updated experiments. The list of experiments is returnedin the same order in which it came in as input.
@throws ApiException if problems occurred while updating experimentinformation.
Add, remove, and set FeedItems.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting FeedItems.
@throws ApiException Indicates a problem with the request.
Add and remove FeedMappings.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting FeedMappings.
@throws ApiException indicates a problem with the request.
Add, remove, and set Feeds.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting Feeds.
@throws ApiException Indicates a problem with the request.
Simplified way of submitting a mutation job. The provided list of operations, if valid, will create a new job with a unique id, which will be returned. This id can later be used in invocations of {@link #get} and {@link #getResult}. Policy can optionally be specified.
When this method returns with success, the job will be in {@code PROCESSING} or {@code PENDING} state and no furtheraction is needed for the job to get executed.
Adds managed customers.
Note: {@link ManagedCustomerOperation}only supports {@code ADD} operator.
@param operations List of unique operations.
@return The list of updated managed customers, returned in the sameorder as the
Applies a list of mutate operations (i.e. add, set): Add - creates a set of user lists Set - updates a set of user lists
@param operations the operations to apply
@return a list of UserList objects
Applies the list of mutate operations (ie. add, set, remove):
Add - Creates a new {@linkplain AdGroupAd ad group ad}. The {@code adGroupId} mustreference an existing ad group. The child {@code Ad} mustbe sufficiently specified by constructing a concrete ad type (such as {@code TextAd}) and setting its fields accordingly.
Set - Updates an ad group ad. Except for {@code status}, ad group ad fields are not mutable. Status updates are straightforward - the status of the ad group ad is updated as specified. If any other field has changed, it will be ignored. If you want to change any of the fields other than status, you must make a new ad and then delete the old one.
Remove - Removes the link between the specified AdGroup and Ad.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return A list of AdGroupAds where each entry in the list is the resultof applying the operation in the input list with the same index. For an add/set operation, the return AdGroupAd will be what is saved to the db. In the case of the remove operation, the return AdGroupAd will simply be an AdGroupAd containing an Ad with the id set to the Ad being deleted from the AdGroup.
Adds, removes or updates ad group bid modifier overrides.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The added ad group bid modifier overrides.
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request.
Adds, removes or updates adgroup criteria.
@param operations operations to doduring checks on keywords to be added.
@return added and updated adgroup criteria (without optional parts)
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request
Adds, updates, or deletes ad groups.
Note: {@link AdGroupOperation} doesnot support the {@code REMOVE} operator. To delete an ad group, set its{@link AdGroup#status status} to {@code DELETED}.
@param operations List of unique operations. The same ad group cannotbe specified in more than one operation.
@return The updated adgroups.
Sets and removes ad parameters.
Note: {@code ADD} is not supported.Use {@code SET}for new ad parameters.
- {@code SET}: Creates or updates an ad parameter, setting the new parameterized value for the given ad group / keyword pair.
- {@code REMOVE}: Removes an ad parameter. The
specified in the ad text will be used.
@param operations The operations to perform.
@return A list of ad parameters, where each entry in the list is theresult of applying the operation in the input list with the same index. For a {@code SET} operation, the returned ad parameter will containthe updated values. For a {@code REMOVE} operation, the returnedad parameter will simply be the ad parameter that was removed.
Applies the list of mutate operations.
@param operations the operations to apply
@return the modified list of BiddingStrategy
@throws ApiException
Applies the list of mutate operations.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The modified list of Budgets, returned in the same order asoperations
@throws ApiException
Applies the list of mutate operations.
@param operations The operations to apply. The same {@link CampaignAdExtension}cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The changed {@link CampaignAdExtension}s.
Adds, removes or updates campaign criteria.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The added campaign criteria (without any optional parts).
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request.
Adds, sets or removes CampaignFeeds.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting Feeds.
@throws ApiException Indicates a problem with the request.
Adds, updates, or deletes campaigns.
Note: {@link CampaignOperation} doesnot support the REMOVE
operator. To delete a campaign, set its {@link Campaign#status status} to DELETED
@param operations A list of unique operations.The same campaign cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The list of updated campaigns, returned in the same orderas the
@throws ApiException if problems occurred while updating campaigninformation.
Applies the list of mutate operations such as adding or updating conversion trackers.
Note: {@link ConversionTrackerOperation}does not support the REMOVE
operator. In order to 'disable' a conversion type, send a SET
operation for the conversion tracker with the status
property set to DISABLED
@param operations A list of mutate operations to perform.
@return The list of the conversion trackers as they appear after mutation,in the same order as they appeared in the list of operations.
@throws com.google.ads.api.services.common.error.ApiException if problemsoccurred while updating the data.
Mutates (add, update or remove) experiments. Note: To REMOVE use SET and mark status to DELETED.
@param operations A list of unique operations.The same experiment cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The updated experiments. The list of experiments is returnedin the same order in which it came in as input.
@throws ApiException if problems occurred while updating experimentinformation.
Add, remove, and set FeedItems.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting FeedItems.
@throws ApiException Indicates a problem with the request.
Add and remove FeedMappings.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting FeedMappings.
@throws ApiException indicates a problem with the request.
Add, remove, and set Feeds.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting Feeds.
@throws ApiException Indicates a problem with the request.
Simplified way of submitting a mutation job. The provided list of operations, if valid, will create a new job with a unique id, which will be returned. This id can later be used in invocations of {@link #get} and {@link #getResult}. Policy can optionally be specified.
When this method returns with success, the job will be in {@code PROCESSING} or {@code PENDING} state and no furtheraction is needed for the job to get executed.
Reports an offline conversion for each entry in {@code operations}.
This bulk operation does not have any transactional guarantees. Some operations can succeed while others fail.
@param operations A list of offline conversion feed operations.
@return The list of offline conversion feed results (in the same orderas the operations).
@throws {@link ApiException} if problems occurred while applying offlineconversions.
Adds managed customers.
Note: {@link ManagedCustomerOperation}only supports {@code ADD} operator.
@param operations List of unique operations.
@return The list of updated managed customers, returned in the sameorder as the
Applies a list of mutate operations (i.e. add, set): Add - creates a set of user lists Set - updates a set of user lists
@param operations the operations to apply
@return a list of UserList objects
Applies the list of mutate operations (ie. add, set, remove):
Add - Creates a new {@linkplain AdGroupAd ad group ad}. The {@code adGroupId} mustreference an existing ad group. The child {@code Ad} mustbe sufficiently specified by constructing a concrete ad type (such as {@code TextAd}) and setting its fields accordingly.
Set - Updates an ad group ad. Except for {@code status}, ad group ad fields are not mutable. Status updates are straightforward - the status of the ad group ad is updated as specified. If any other field has changed, it will be ignored. If you want to change any of the fields other than status, you must make a new ad and then delete the old one.
Remove - Removes the link between the specified AdGroup and Ad.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return A list of AdGroupAds where each entry in the list is the resultof applying the operation in the input list with the same index. For an add/set operation, the return AdGroupAd will be what is saved to the db. In the case of the remove operation, the return AdGroupAd will simply be an AdGroupAd containing an Ad with the id set to the Ad being deleted from the AdGroup.
Adds, removes or updates ad group bid modifier overrides.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The added ad group bid modifier overrides.
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request.
Adds, removes or updates adgroup criteria.
@param operations operations to doduring checks on keywords to be added.
@return added and updated adgroup criteria (without optional parts)
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request
Adds, updates, or deletes ad groups.
Note: {@link AdGroupOperation} doesnot support the {@code REMOVE} operator. To delete an ad group, set its{@link AdGroup#status status} to {@code DELETED}.
@param operations List of unique operations. The same ad group cannotbe specified in more than one operation.
@return The updated adgroups.
Sets and removes ad parameters.
Note: {@code ADD} is not supported.Use {@code SET}for new ad parameters.
- {@code SET}: Creates or updates an ad parameter, setting the new parameterized value for the given ad group / keyword pair.
- {@code REMOVE}: Removes an ad parameter. The
specified in the ad text will be used.
@param operations The operations to perform.
@return A list of ad parameters, where each entry in the list is theresult of applying the operation in the input list with the same index. For a {@code SET} operation, the returned ad parameter will containthe updated values. For a {@code REMOVE} operation, the returnedad parameter will simply be the ad parameter that was removed.
Applies the list of mutate operations.
@param operations the operations to apply
@return the modified list of BiddingStrategy
@throws ApiException
Applies the list of mutate operations.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The modified list of Budgets, returned in the same order asoperations
@throws ApiException
Applies the list of mutate operations.
@param operations The operations to apply. The same {@link CampaignAdExtension}cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The changed {@link CampaignAdExtension}s.
Adds, removes or updates campaign criteria.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The added campaign criteria (without any optional parts).
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request.
Adds, sets or removes CampaignFeeds.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting Feeds.
@throws ApiException Indicates a problem with the request.
Adds, updates, or deletes campaigns.
Note: {@link CampaignOperation} doesnot support the REMOVE
operator. To delete a campaign, set its {@link Campaign#status status} to DELETED
@param operations A list of unique operations.The same campaign cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The list of updated campaigns, returned in the same orderas the
@throws ApiException if problems occurred while updating campaigninformation.
Applies the list of mutate operations such as adding or updating conversion trackers.
Note: {@link ConversionTrackerOperation}does not support the REMOVE
operator. In order to 'disable' a conversion type, send a SET
operation for the conversion tracker with the status
property set to DISABLED
@param operations A list of mutate operations to perform.
@return The list of the conversion trackers as they appear after mutation,in the same order as they appeared in the list of operations.
@throws com.google.ads.api.services.common.error.ApiException if problemsoccurred while updating the data.
Mutates (add, update or remove) experiments. Note: To REMOVE use SET and mark status to DELETED.
@param operations A list of unique operations.The same experiment cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The updated experiments. The list of experiments is returnedin the same order in which it came in as input.
@throws ApiException if problems occurred while updating experimentinformation.
Add, remove, and set FeedItems.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting FeedItems.
@throws ApiException Indicates a problem with the request.
Add and remove FeedMappings.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting FeedMappings.
@throws ApiException indicates a problem with the request.
Add, remove, and set Feeds.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting Feeds.
@throws ApiException Indicates a problem with the request.
Simplified way of submitting a mutation job. The provided list of operations, if valid, will create a new job with a unique id, which will be returned. This id can later be used in invocations of {@link #get} and {@link #getResult}. Policy can optionally be specified.
When this method returns with success, the job will be in {@code PROCESSING} or {@code PENDING} state and no furtheraction is needed for the job to get executed.
Reports an offline conversion for each entry in {@code operations}.
This bulk operation does not have any transactional guarantees. Some operations can succeed while others fail.
@param operations A list of offline conversion feed operations.
@return The list of offline conversion feed results (in the same orderas the operations).
@throws {@link ApiException} if problems occurred while applying offlineconversions.
Adds managed customers.
Note: {@link ManagedCustomerOperation}only supports {@code ADD} operator.
@param operations List of unique operations.
@return The list of updated managed customers, returned in the sameorder as the
Applies a list of mutate operations (i.e. add, set): Add - creates a set of user lists Set - updates a set of user lists
@param operations the operations to apply
@return a list of UserList objects
Applies the list of mutate operations (ie. add, set, remove):
Add - Creates a new {@linkplain AdGroupAd ad group ad}. The {@code adGroupId} mustreference an existing ad group. The child {@code Ad} mustbe sufficiently specified by constructing a concrete ad type (such as {@code TextAd}) and setting its fields accordingly.
Set - Updates an ad group ad. Except for {@code status}, ad group ad fields are not mutable. Status updates are straightforward - the status of the ad group ad is updated as specified. If any other field has changed, it will be ignored. If you want to change any of the fields other than status, you must make a new ad and then delete the old one.
Remove - Removes the link between the specified AdGroup and Ad.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return A list of AdGroupAds where each entry in the list is the resultof applying the operation in the input list with the same index. For an add/set operation, the return AdGroupAd will be what is saved to the db. In the case of the remove operation, the return AdGroupAd will simply be an AdGroupAd containing an Ad with the id set to the Ad being deleted from the AdGroup.
Adds, removes or updates ad group bid modifier overrides.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The added ad group bid modifier overrides.
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request.
Adds, removes or updates adgroup criteria.
@param operations operations to doduring checks on keywords to be added.
@return added and updated adgroup criteria (without optional parts)
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request
Adds, updates, or deletes ad groups.
Note: {@link AdGroupOperation} doesnot support the {@code REMOVE} operator. To delete an ad group, set its{@link AdGroup#status status} to {@code DELETED}.
@param operations List of unique operations. The same ad group cannotbe specified in more than one operation.
@return The updated adgroups.
Sets and removes ad parameters.
Note: {@code ADD} is not supported.Use {@code SET}for new ad parameters.
- {@code SET}: Creates or updates an ad parameter, setting the new parameterized value for the given ad group / keyword pair.
- {@code REMOVE}: Removes an ad parameter. The
specified in the ad text will be used.
@param operations The operations to perform.
@return A list of ad parameters, where each entry in the list is theresult of applying the operation in the input list with the same index. For a {@code SET} operation, the returned ad parameter will containthe updated values. For a {@code REMOVE} operation, the returnedad parameter will simply be the ad parameter that was removed.
Applies the list of mutate operations.
@param operations the operations to apply
@return the modified list of BiddingStrategy
@throws ApiException
Applies the list of mutate operations.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The modified list of Budgets, returned in the same order asoperations
@throws ApiException
Applies the list of mutate operations.
@param operations The operations to apply. The same {@link CampaignAdExtension}cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The changed {@link CampaignAdExtension}s.
Adds, removes or updates campaign criteria.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The added campaign criteria (without any optional parts).
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request.
Adds, sets or removes CampaignFeeds.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting Feeds.
@throws ApiException Indicates a problem with the request.
Adds, updates, or deletes campaigns.
Note: {@link CampaignOperation} doesnot support the REMOVE
operator. To delete a campaign, set its {@link Campaign#status status} to DELETED
@param operations A list of unique operations.The same campaign cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The list of updated campaigns, returned in the same orderas the
@throws ApiException if problems occurred while updating campaigninformation.
Applies the list of mutate operations such as adding or updating conversion trackers.
Note: {@link ConversionTrackerOperation}does not support the REMOVE
operator. In order to 'disable' a conversion type, send a SET
operation for the conversion tracker with the status
property set to DISABLED
@param operations A list of mutate operations to perform.
@return The list of the conversion trackers as they appear after mutation,in the same order as they appeared in the list of operations.
@throws com.google.ads.api.services.common.error.ApiException if problemsoccurred while updating the data.
Mutates (add, update or remove) experiments. Note: To REMOVE use SET and mark status to DELETED.
@param operations A list of unique operations.The same experiment cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The updated experiments. The list of experiments is returnedin the same order in which it came in as input.
@throws ApiException if problems occurred while updating experimentinformation.
Add, remove, and set FeedItems.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting FeedItems.
@throws ApiException Indicates a problem with the request.
Add and remove FeedMappings.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting FeedMappings.
@throws ApiException indicates a problem with the request.
Add, remove, and set Feeds.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting Feeds.
@throws ApiException Indicates a problem with the request.
Simplified way of submitting a mutation job. The provided list of operations, if valid, will create a new job with a unique id, which will be returned. This id can later be used in invocations of {@link #get} and {@link #getResult}. Policy can optionally be specified.
When this method returns with success, the job will be in {@code PROCESSING} or {@code PENDING} state and no furtheraction is needed for the job to get executed.
Reports an offline conversion for each entry in {@code operations}.
This bulk operation does not have any transactional guarantees. Some operations can succeed while others fail.
@param operations A list of offline conversion feed operations.
@return The list of offline conversion feed results (in the same orderas the operations).
@throws {@link ApiException} if problems occurred while applying offlineconversions.
Adds managed customers.
Note: {@link ManagedCustomerOperation}only supports {@code ADD} operator.
@param operations List of unique operations.
@return The list of updated managed customers, returned in the sameorder as the
Applies a list of mutate operations (i.e. add, set): Add - creates a set of user lists Set - updates a set of user lists
@param operations the operations to apply
@return a list of UserList objects
Applies the list of mutate operations.
Conditions for adding an ad-level AdExtension override using an AdExtension under the Ad's campaign:
- If the text ad has never been overridden, an AdExtension override may be set on the creative using an extension under the campaign, along with any override info.
- If the text ad has been overriden before, the latitude/longitude of the new extension override must be the same as the previous override and no override info can be specified (i.e. the override info will inherit from the previous override info).
@param operations The operations to apply. The same ad extension overridecannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The applied ad extension overrides.
Applies the list of mutate operations (ie. add, set, remove):
Add - Creates a new {@linkplain AdGroupAd ad group ad}. The {@code adGroupId} mustreference an existing ad group. The child {@code Ad} mustbe sufficiently specified by constructing a concrete ad type (such as {@code TextAd}) and setting its fields accordingly.
Set - Updates an ad group ad. Except for {@code status}, ad group ad fields are not mutable. Status updates are straightforward - the status of the ad group ad is updated as specified. If any other field has changed, it will be ignored. If you want to change any of the fields other than status, you must make a new ad and then delete the old one.
Remove - Removes the link between the specified AdGroup and Ad.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return A list of AdGroupAds where each entry in the list is the resultof applying the operation in the input list with the same index. For an add/set operation, the return AdGroupAd will be what is saved to the db. In the case of the remove operation, the return AdGroupAd will simply be an AdGroupAd containing an Ad with the id set to the Ad being deleted from the AdGroup.
Adds, removes or updates adgroup criteria.
@param operations operations to doduring checks on keywords to be added.
@return added and updated adgroup criteria (without optional parts)
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request
Adds, updates, or deletes ad groups.
Note: {@link AdGroupOperation} doesnot support the {@code REMOVE} operator. To delete an ad group, set its{@link AdGroup#status status} to {@code DELETED}.
@param operations List of unique operations. The same ad group cannotbe specified in more than one operation.
@return The updated adgroups.
Sets and removes ad parameters.
Note: {@code ADD} is not supported.Use {@code SET}for new ad parameters.
- {@code SET}: Creates or updates an ad parameter, setting the new parameterized value for the given ad group / keyword pair.
- {@code REMOVE}: Removes an ad parameter. The
specified in the ad text will be used.
@param operations The operations to perform.
@return A list of ad parameters, where each entry in the list is theresult of applying the operation in the input list with the same index. For a {@code SET} operation, the returned ad parameter will containthe updated values. For a {@code REMOVE} operation, the returnedad parameter will simply be the ad parameter that was removed.
Applies the list of mutate operations.
@param operations The operations to apply. The same {@link CampaignAdExtension}cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The changed {@link CampaignAdExtension}s.
Adds, removes or updates campaign criteria.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The added campaign criteria (without any optional parts).
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request.
Adds, updates, or deletes campaigns.
Note: {@link CampaignOperation} doesnot support the REMOVE
operator. To delete a campaign, set its {@link Campaign#status status} to DELETED
@param operations A list of unique operations.The same campaign cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The list of updated campaigns, returned in the same orderas the
@throws ApiException if problems occurred while updating campaigninformation.
Applies the list of mutate operations.
Conditions for adding an ad-level AdExtension override using an AdExtension under the Ad's campaign:
- If the text ad has never been overridden, an AdExtension override may be set on the creative using an extension under the campaign, along with any override info.
- If the text ad has been overriden before, the latitude/longitude of the new extension override must be the same as the previous override and no override info can be specified (i.e. the override info will inherit from the previous override info).
@param operations The operations to apply. The same ad extension overridecannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The applied ad extension overrides.
Applies the list of mutate operations (ie. add, set, remove):
Add - Creates a new {@linkplain AdGroupAd ad group ad}. The {@code adGroupId} mustreference an existing ad group. The child {@code Ad} mustbe sufficiently specified by constructing a concrete ad type (such as {@code TextAd}) and setting its fields accordingly.
Set - Updates an ad group ad. Except for {@code status}, ad group ad fields are not mutable. Status updates are straightforward - the status of the ad group ad is updated as specified. If any other field has changed, it will be ignored. If you want to change any of the fields other than status, you must make a new ad and then delete the old one.
Remove - Removes the link between the specified AdGroup and Ad.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return A list of AdGroupAds where each entry in the list is the resultof applying the operation in the input list with the same index. For an add/set operation, the return AdGroupAd will be what is saved to the db. In the case of the remove operation, the return AdGroupAd will simply be an AdGroupAd containing an Ad with the id set to the Ad being deleted from the AdGroup.
Adds, removes or updates ad group bid modifier overrides.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The added ad group bid modifier overrides.
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request.
Adds, removes or updates adgroup criteria.
@param operations operations to doduring checks on keywords to be added.
@return added and updated adgroup criteria (without optional parts)
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request
Adds, updates, or deletes ad groups.
Note: {@link AdGroupOperation} doesnot support the {@code REMOVE} operator. To delete an ad group, set its{@link AdGroup#status status} to {@code DELETED}.
@param operations List of unique operations. The same ad group cannotbe specified in more than one operation.
@return The updated adgroups.
Sets and removes ad parameters.
Note: {@code ADD} is not supported.Use {@code SET}for new ad parameters.
- {@code SET}: Creates or updates an ad parameter, setting the new parameterized value for the given ad group / keyword pair.
- {@code REMOVE}: Removes an ad parameter. The
specified in the ad text will be used.
@param operations The operations to perform.
@return A list of ad parameters, where each entry in the list is theresult of applying the operation in the input list with the same index. For a {@code SET} operation, the returned ad parameter will containthe updated values. For a {@code REMOVE} operation, the returnedad parameter will simply be the ad parameter that was removed.
Applies the list of mutate operations.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The modified list of Budgets, returned in the same order asoperations
@throws ApiException
Applies the list of mutate operations.
@param operations The operations to apply. The same {@link CampaignAdExtension}cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The changed {@link CampaignAdExtension}s.
Adds, removes or updates campaign criteria.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The added campaign criteria (without any optional parts).
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request.
Adds, sets or removes CampaignFeeds.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting Feeds.
@throws ApiException Indicates a problem with the request.
Adds, updates, or deletes campaigns.
Note: {@link CampaignOperation} doesnot support the REMOVE
operator. To delete a campaign, set its {@link Campaign#status status} to DELETED
@param operations A list of unique operations.The same campaign cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The list of updated campaigns, returned in the same orderas the
@throws ApiException if problems occurred while updating campaigninformation.
Applies the list of mutate operations such as adding or updating conversion trackers.
Note: {@link ConversionTrackerOperation}does not support the REMOVE
operator. In order to 'disable' a conversion type, send a SET
operation for the conversion tracker with the status
property set to DISABLED
@param operations A list of mutate operations to perform.
@return The list of the conversion trackers as they appear after mutation,in the same order as they appeared in the list of operations.
@throws com.google.ads.api.services.common.error.ApiException if problemsoccurred while updating the data.
Mutates (add, update or remove) experiments. Note: To REMOVE use SET and mark status to DELETED.
@param operations A list of unique operations.The same experiment cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The updated experiments. The list of experiments is returnedin the same order in which it came in as input.
@throws ApiException if problems occurred while updating experimentinformation.
Add, remove, and set FeedItems.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting FeedItems.
@throws ApiException Indicates a problem with the request.
Add and remove FeedMappings.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting FeedMappings.
@throws ApiException indicates a problem with the request.
Add, remove, and set Feeds.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting Feeds.
@throws ApiException Indicates a problem with the request.
Simplified way of submitting a mutation job. The provided list of operations, if valid, will create a new job with a unique id, which will be returned. This id can later be used in invocations of {@link #get} and {@link #getResult}. Policy can optionally be specified.
When this method returns with success, the job will be in {@code PROCESSING} or {@code PENDING} state and no furtheraction is needed for the job to get executed.
Adds managed customers.
Note: {@link ManagedCustomerOperation}only supports {@code ADD} operator.
@param operations List of unique operations.
@return The list of updated managed customers, returned in the sameorder as the
Applies a list of mutate operations (i.e. add, set): Add - creates a set of user lists Set - updates a set of user lists
@param operations the operations to apply
@return a list of UserList objects
Applies the list of mutate operations (ie. add, set, remove):
Add - Creates a new {@linkplain AdGroupAd ad group ad}. The {@code adGroupId} mustreference an existing ad group. The child {@code Ad} mustbe sufficiently specified by constructing a concrete ad type (such as {@code TextAd}) and setting its fields accordingly.
Set - Updates an ad group ad. Except for {@code status}, ad group ad fields are not mutable. Status updates are straightforward - the status of the ad group ad is updated as specified. If any other field has changed, it will be ignored. If you want to change any of the fields other than status, you must make a new ad and then delete the old one.
Remove - Removes the link between the specified AdGroup and Ad.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return A list of AdGroupAds where each entry in the list is the resultof applying the operation in the input list with the same index. For an add/set operation, the return AdGroupAd will be what is saved to the db. In the case of the remove operation, the return AdGroupAd will simply be an AdGroupAd containing an Ad with the id set to the Ad being deleted from the AdGroup.
Adds, removes or updates ad group bid modifier overrides.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The added ad group bid modifier overrides.
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request.
Adds, removes or updates adgroup criteria.
@param operations operations to doduring checks on keywords to be added.
@return added and updated adgroup criteria (without optional parts)
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request
Adds, updates, or deletes ad groups.
Note: {@link AdGroupOperation} doesnot support the {@code REMOVE} operator. To delete an ad group, set its{@link AdGroup#status status} to {@code DELETED}.
@param operations List of unique operations. The same ad group cannotbe specified in more than one operation.
@return The updated adgroups.
Sets and removes ad parameters.
Note: {@code ADD} is not supported.Use {@code SET}for new ad parameters.
- {@code SET}: Creates or updates an ad parameter, setting the new parameterized value for the given ad group / keyword pair.
- {@code REMOVE}: Removes an ad parameter. The
specified in the ad text will be used.
@param operations The operations to perform.
@return A list of ad parameters, where each entry in the list is theresult of applying the operation in the input list with the same index. For a {@code SET} operation, the returned ad parameter will containthe updated values. For a {@code REMOVE} operation, the returnedad parameter will simply be the ad parameter that was removed.
Applies the list of mutate operations.
@param operations the operations to apply
@return the modified list of BiddingStrategy
@throws ApiException
Applies the list of mutate operations.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The modified list of Budgets, returned in the same order asoperations
@throws ApiException
Adds, removes or updates campaign criteria.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The added campaign criteria (without any optional parts).
@throws ApiException when there is at least one error with the request.
Adds, sets or removes CampaignFeeds.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting Feeds.
@throws ApiException Indicates a problem with the request.
Adds, updates, or deletes campaigns.
Note: {@link CampaignOperation} doesnot support the REMOVE
operator. To delete a campaign, set its {@link Campaign#status status} to DELETED
@param operations A list of unique operations.The same campaign cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The list of updated campaigns, returned in the same orderas the
@throws ApiException if problems occurred while updating campaigninformation.
Applies the list of mutate operations such as adding or updating conversion trackers.
Note: {@link ConversionTrackerOperation}does not support the REMOVE
operator. In order to 'disable' a conversion type, send a SET
operation for the conversion tracker with the status
property set to DISABLED
@param operations A list of mutate operations to perform.
@return The list of the conversion trackers as they appear after mutation,in the same order as they appeared in the list of operations.
@throws com.google.ads.api.services.common.error.ApiException if problemsoccurred while updating the data.
Mutates (add, update or remove) experiments. Note: To REMOVE use SET and mark status to DELETED.
@param operations A list of unique operations.The same experiment cannot be specified in more than one operation.
@return The updated experiments. The list of experiments is returnedin the same order in which it came in as input.
@throws ApiException if problems occurred while updating experimentinformation.
Add, remove, and set FeedItems.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting FeedItems.
@throws ApiException Indicates a problem with the request.
Add and remove FeedMappings.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting FeedMappings.
@throws ApiException indicates a problem with the request.
Add, remove, and set Feeds.
@param operations The operations to apply.
@return The resulting Feeds.
@throws ApiException Indicates a problem with the request.
Simplified way of submitting a mutation job. The provided list of operations, if valid, will create a new job with a unique id, which will be returned. This id can later be used in invocations of {@link #get} and {@link #getResult}. Policy can optionally be specified.
When this method returns with success, the job will be in {@code PROCESSING} or {@code PENDING} state and no furtheraction is needed for the job to get executed.
Reports an offline conversion for each entry in {@code operations}.
This bulk operation does not have any transactional guarantees. Some operations can succeed while others fail.
@param operations A list of offline conversion feed operations.
@return The list of offline conversion feed results (in the same orderas the operations).
@throws {@link ApiException} if problems occurred while applying offlineconversions.
Adds managed customers.
Note: {@link ManagedCustomerOperation}only supports {@code ADD} operator.
@param operations List of unique operations.
@return The list of updated managed customers, returned in the sameorder as the
Applies a list of mutate operations (i.e. add, set): Add - creates a set of user lists Set - updates a set of user lists
@param operations the operations to apply
@return a list of UserList objects
Perform a mutate on a parent and generate a new child. The parent is not changed.
@param rnd Random number generator.
@param sourcePhysics The parent object.
@param probChange The probability of changing an individual element.
@param perturb The amount that an object is changed by.
mutiert das Netz zufaellig
This method performs an arbitrary mutation on the {@code Mutable}.
In the case of nodes, this chooses to mutate a function or connection fairly, and carries out the required mutation by using the node's own reference to chromosome.
In the case of outputs, this simply picks a random connection to serve as the source - any connection is allowed.
Create a new Component that upon creation, mutates the component instance before it is returned.
@param m the Mutation object.
@return the new Component object.
Generates the equivalent stored credentials for the given input credentials.
@param inputCredentials User provided credentials
@return The equivalent stored credentials for the given inputcredentials
Returns a changed String, suitable for Wiki context.
@param context WikiContext in which mutation is to be done
@param source The source string.
@return The mutated string.
Applies the specified mutation to this dataset.