Examples of move()

Examples of org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Batch.move()


        NodeId id = getNodeId(testPath + "/anyNode");

        b = rs.createBatch(si, nid);
        b.move(id, nid, resolver.getQName("moved"));

        try {
            rs.getItemInfos(si, id);

Examples of org.apache.lenya.cms.publication.DocumentManager.move()

                Transactionable[] nodes = newLanguageVersion.getRepositoryNodes();
                for (int j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) {
                documentManager.move(languageVersion, newLanguageVersion);

                if (availableLanguages[i].equals(document.getLanguage())) {
                    newDocument = newLanguageVersion;

Examples of org.apache.lenya.cms.publication.SiteTree.move()

    SiteTreeNode node = firsttree.getNode(firstDocumentId);
    if (node != null) {
        SiteTreeNode parentNode = sectree.getNode(parentId.toString());
      if (parentNode != null) {
                sectree.move(node, parentNode, newid, this.getRefdocumentid());
      } else {
        throw new SiteTreeException(
          "The parent node "
            + parentNode
            + " where the removed node shall be inserted not found");

Examples of org.brixcms.jcr.api.JcrSession.move()

            JcrNodeIterator nodes = webNode.getNodes();
            while (nodes.hasNext()) {
                BrixNode node = (BrixNode) nodes.nextNode();
                if (node.isSame(site) == false && node instanceof GlobalContainerNode == false) {
                    JcrSession session = webNode.getSession();
                    session.move(node.getPath(), site.getPath() + "/" + node.getName());
        } else {
            // make reference for brix:site to brix:web to prevent creating prototypes
            // without selecting brix:web

Examples of org.conserve.tools.generators.SubclassMover.move()

        if (!superClasses.contains(superClass))
          //klass has been moved, it now has a new superclass.
          SubclassMover sm = new SubclassMover(adapter);
          ObjectStack oldObjectStack = getObjectStackFromDatabase(klass, cw);
          sm.move(oldObjectStack, nuObjectStack, nuObjectStack.getActualRepresentation(), cw);
          // update the C_IS_A table to reflect new superclass
          String klassName = ObjectTools.getSystemicName(klass);
          addClassRelation(klassName, superClassName, cw);
          String oldSuperClass = oldObjectStack.getRepresentation(oldObjectStack.getLevel(klass) - 1)

Examples of org.darkhelm.dragonchess.server.board.BoardSet.move()

      if(destPiece != null) {
      // Perform move on cloned board set.
      set.move(board.getType(), horizPos, vertPos, pos.getBoard(),
          pos.getHoriz(), pos.getVert());

      // check validation.
      if (!check && set.isCheck(team.other())) {

Examples of org.drools.guvnor.client.widgets.drools.decoratedgrid.data.DynamicDataRow.move()

            for ( int iCol = 0; iCol < numberOfColumns; iCol++ ) {
                this.columns.add( targetColumnIndex,
                                  this.columns.remove( sourceColumnIndex ) );
                for ( int iRow = 0; iRow < data.size(); iRow++ ) {
                    DynamicDataRow row = data.get( iRow );
                    row.move( targetColumnIndex,
                              sourceColumnIndex );
        } else if ( targetColumnIndex < sourceColumnIndex ) {
            for ( int iCol = 0; iCol < numberOfColumns; iCol++ ) {

Examples of org.dspace.content.Item.move()

                        if (fromCollection == null || toCollection == null)
                                throw new ServletException("Missing or incorrect collection IDs for moving item");
                        item.move(fromCollection, toCollection);
                    showEditForm(context, request, response, item);
                } else

Examples of org.eclipse.core.filesystem.IFileStore.move()

      int efsOptions = allowOverwrite ? EFS.OVERWRITE : EFS.NONE;
      try {
        if (isCopy) {
          source.copy(toCreate, efsOptions, null);
        } else {
          source.move(toCreate, efsOptions, null);
          // Path format is /file/workspaceId/projectId/[location to folder]
          Path path = new Path(locationString);
          if (path.segmentCount() == 3 && path.segment(0).equals("file")) {
            // The folder is a project, remove the metadata
            OrionConfiguration.getMetaStore().deleteProject(path.segment(1), source.getName());

Examples of org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile.move()

      int _length_4 = _children.length;
      Matcher<Integer> _is_12 = Matchers.<Integer>is(Integer.valueOf(0));
      MatcherAssert.<Integer>assertThat(Integer.valueOf(_length_4), _is_12);
      IFile _file_1 = erlFile2.getFile();
      Path _path = new Path("/Test001/nop.erl");
      _file_1.move(_path, true, null);
      boolean _exists_5 = erlFile2.exists();
      Matcher<Boolean> _is_13 = Matchers.<Boolean>is(Boolean.valueOf(false));
      MatcherAssert.<Boolean>assertThat(Boolean.valueOf(_exists_5), _is_13);
      Iterable<IErlModule> _modules = erlProject2.getModules();
      int _length_5 = ((Object[])Conversions.unwrapArray(_modules, Object.class)).length;
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