So, $math.mod('5.1',3) will return '2', and $math.mod(6,'3.9') will return '0'.
@param num1 the first number @param num2 the second number @return the result of performing integer moduluson the operands. @see #toIntegerEach operand must derive from {@link LuaNumber}or derive from {@link LuaString} and be convertible to a number @param rhs The right-hand-side value to perform the modulo with @return value of {@code (this % rhs)} if both are numeric, or {@link LuaValue} if metatag processing occurs @throws LuaError if either operand is not a number or string convertible to number, and neither has the {@link MOD} metatag defined @see #arithmt(LuaValue,LuaValue)