starting at initial
, within functionTolerance
@param function the objective function
Note: the core minimization is performed at the level of the transformed formula, not the original formula if the problem was translated with a non-zero {@linkplain Options#coreGranularity() core granularity} setting.In other words, after this method has been called, {@linkplain #highLevelCore() highLevelCore()} returns a map M such that M.keySet() is a minimal core with respect to this.log.bounds. In contrast, {@linkplain Nodes#allRoots(Formula,java.util.Collection) Nodes.roots(this.log.originalFormula, M.values())} is unsatisfiable with respect this.log.originalBounds. These formulas, however, do not necessarily form a minimal core of this.log.originalFormula if the original problem was translated with a non-zero {@linkplain Options#coreGranularity() core granularity} setting.
@effects minimizes the proof of this.log.formula's unsatisfiabilityusing the specified proof reduction strategy (or the trivial strategy if this.formula is trivially unsatisfiable with respect to this.bounds). @see kodkod.engine.satlab.ReductionStrategy