Associate a message listener with a destination.
The destination is bound to a queue, and messages are filtered based on the provider filter map (message filtering is specific to the provider and in some cases might not be handled).
The valid options are:
- {@link Option#EXCLUSIVE}:
Requests exclusive subscription access, so that only this subscription can access the queue.
- {@link Option#NONE}:
This is an empty option, and has no effect.
@param queue The queue that the receiver is receiving messages from.
@param destination The destination, or delivery tag, for the subscriber.
@param confirmMode
off ({@link Session#TRANSFER_CONFIRM_MODE_NOT_REQUIRED}): confirmation is not required. Once a message has been transferred in pre-acquire mode (or once acquire has been sent in no-acquire mode) the message is considered transferred. - on ( {@link Session#TRANSFER_CONFIRM_MODE_REQUIRED}): an acquired message is not considered transferred until the original transfer is complete. A complete transfer is signaled by execution.complete.
@param acquireMode
- no-acquire ( {@link Session#TRANSFER_ACQUIRE_MODE_NO_ACQUIRE}): the message must be explicitly acquired.
- pre-acquire ( {@link Session#TRANSFER_ACQUIRE_MODE_PRE_ACQUIRE}): the message is acquired when the transfer starts.
@param listener The listener for this destination. To transfer large messagesuse a {@link org.apache.qpid.nclient.MessagePartListener}.
@param options Set of options. Valid options are {{@link Option#EXCLUSIVE}and {@link Option#NONE}.
@param filter A set of filters for the subscription. The syntax and semantics of these filters variesaccording to the provider's implementation.