Handle a message.
@param underlying the underlying function cost, not null
@param invocations the invocations to handle, not null
@return the scaling factor, null if no remote invocation cost
Receive a message from the cluster.
@param msg ClusterMessage
@return ClusterMessage - response to the message sent. The response object may be ignored and is not required for the implementation to send back to the sender.
Call when data read from net. Will perform inial hanshake or decrypt provided Buffer. Decrytpted data reurned by getAppBuffer(), if any.
@param buf buffer to decrypt
@throws SSLException on errors
Forwards the received events into the appropriate {@link MessageHandler}which is registered by {@link #addReceivedMessageHandler(Class,MessageHandler)}.
Handle incoming data during the handshake process. Should consume only the handshake data from the buffer, leaving any extra data in place.
@param nextFilter the next filter in the filter chain
@param buf the buffer holding the received data
@throws ProxyAuthException if authentication fails
Invoked by the MINA IO thread (indirectly) when a message is received from the transport. Puts the message onto the queue read by the dispatcher.
@param message the message that has been received
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